Does yoga count as exercise?

Yoga is known worldwide for its multiple benefits, including achieving a state of inner peace that encourages us to live in harmony with ourselves and the environment that surrounds us. What many do not know is that it can also help us improve our health and our performance. Let’s see if you can really do it.

Is yoga a different exercise?

We are always looking for a workout that helps not only our body, but also our mind. !! Congratulations!! You just found it. Yoga works both the body and the mind at the same time, helping to relieve stress , fatigue and anxiety .

Yoga requires us to perform different movements that involve flexibility, strength and balance, from the first pose to the Savasana, the final relaxation pose. These movements of flexibility and balance help reduce the risk of injury, and there are 3 sequences and poses that help the most to increase the strength of our entire body:

  • The “salutation to the sun”, which is done at the beginning of a yoga session to warm up or a yoga practice itself.
  • The table or plank positions (yes, this exercise is done during yoga practice) and chair help increase strength throughout our body.

The effect of yoga is very similar to that of a natural antioxidant, which can relieve chronic and acute pain, therefore it is clear that for our health it will be positive. Can it also be for our performance?

Can yoga increase our performance?

¿El yoga cuenta cómo ejercicio?

To measure the intensity of yoga compared to other activities, several investigations turned to VO2 , the maximum amount of oxygen that the body can absorb, transport and consume. One study (1) found that the VO2 index in 10 older adults increased by 7% when they performed yoga on a mat (yoga mat) for eight weeks, while in another elderly group an increased VO2 was found by 11 % only in six weeks. Those who perform this activity can therefore significantly increase their energy , concentration and alertness .

Remember that there are different yoga classes for everyone. For example, there is Bikram or Power Yoga , which can increase the intensity of training since they are two styles considered as physically very demanding.


Research suggests that we should not focus on just one sport to achieve the fitness goal that many of us desire, since the body adapts to exercise and it is more positive to vary the activity. For this reason, complementing the sport we usually practice with yoga is an excellent option to increase our performance.

Do not forget that if you are going to exercise your body you should have a bottle of water by your side to hydrate you throughout the session and avoid forcing your body into uncomfortable postures, as this could cause muscle tension .


  1. Tran MD. Effects of Hatha Yoga Practice on the Health-Related Aspects of Physical Fitness. Prev Cardiol. 2001 Autumn; 4 (4): 165-170.
  2. Laura Schwecherl, Does Yoga Count as Exercise? For Greatist