Do you have to wash raw chicken before cooking it?

In the world of sports and fitness, chicken is one of the most consumed meats. We know that it provides numerous health benefits, although there is a habit that can put us in danger: washing raw chicken.

Although for many years it has been thought that washing raw meat was the best option before cooking it, experts reveal a potential health risk.

High presence of bacteria

Science corroborated that there is a higher proportion of finding these bacteria in whole chickens compared to thighs, although in both the presence was high. Bacteria die when cooking, so we must always cook it completely and not leave raw parts. Raw chicken typically contains two bacteria: Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli .

Washing is not really removing bacteria. We kill pathogens when we cook them. For chicken, the thickest part of the meat needs to reach 165 degrees before it’s safe to eat, so it’s a good idea to have a meat thermometer handy.

If we buy fresh skinless chicken breast, it is not necessary to wash it. If we buy chicken from a supermarket that has been sitting in its own blood and juices for a few days, a quick rinse would probably be better.

However, when the bacteria enters our body, we will have symptoms such as abdominal pain, malaise, fever and diarrhea. Incubation can last between 1 and 11 days, so it is not surprising that it happens days after eating or cooking chicken.

pollo crudo para lavar

contamination risk

We already know that water is a perfect conductor of electricity, but it is also a perfect conductor for the expansion of bacteria. When we wash the whole chicken, breasts or wings, the water serves as a conductor for campylobacter, so we will be multiplying the risk of contaminating all kitchen utensils. This can cause us to end up ingesting it at some other time.

Therefore, we expose ourselves to a great risk when we wash it before cooking. According to the National Food Safety Agency of the United Kingdom, we should not wash it with water before cooking it since we will be helping the bacteria to remain impregnated in the hands, the container and the kitchen utensils.

It is also recommended that we separate the chicken in the refrigerator to avoid contact with fruits, vegetables and any other food that we eat raw. We can pack it correctly in a container (if we have not bought it in the typical supermarket tray) and we will not wash it before cooking it.

If we have to cut the breast into small cubes or pieces, we will make sure to thoroughly wash the board and the kitchen utensils that we have used, as well as your hands.