Do caffeine pills work?

Caffeine pills are a popular method of increasing energy and focus in the short term, usually during work or study. Some people also use these supplements to train in the gym, but are they worth it?

While there’s no denying the burst of energy we get from caffeine pills, are they healthy and do they work? This is what we need to know.

What are they?

As many people know, caffeine is a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system (nerves, brain, and spinal cord) to make you feel more awake and alert. Caffeine pills can be made from natural or synthetic caffeine . Some products may also contain inactive ingredients, such as fillers, coloring agents, emulsifiers, and other additives.

The amount of caffeine in these pills varies by brand. In many cases, they contain 100 to 200 milligrams per tablet . This amount is higher than in most cups of coffee but less than in some energy drinks.

Caffeine pills are safe for most people in moderation and if they limit their intake of additional sources of caffeine. However, some are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others and may experience adverse reactions to these supplements and other sources of caffeine.

Doctors may recommend that some people limit their caffeine intake, such as those who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine, pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, heart conditions, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, children and adolescents, and people who experience migraines regular.

It is important to note that caffeine pills are not the same as pure caffeine powder . Pure caffeine powder is a potentially dangerous substance that can cause toxic effects, including seizures, even with the consumption of 0.15 tablespoons, containing about 1200 milligrams of caffeine.

Differences with coffee

There are some significant differences between caffeine pills and coffee. Caffeine pills are more affordable and portable than coffee, and some people don’t like the taste of coffee or tea. Because coffee can be bitter, people often add milk and sweetener. Taking a pill completely avoids the sugar hit and the taste of coffee. It’s also calorie-free , which can be a compelling reason to take it.

Coffee can also sometimes irritate the digestive tract and cause heartburn. This is why caffeine pills appeal to some people. However, coffee enters the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine and can have a stimulating effect as soon as 15 minutes after consumption.

Caffeine pills give us a quicker energy hit by taking a caffeine supplement in one go. Although the caffeine crash can affect more, since the pills contain a more concentrated dose of caffeine than other drinks.

Many caffeinated beverages contain beneficial compounds in addition to caffeine. For example, L-theanine, found in tea, helps prevent the adverse side effects of caffeine. Since caffeine pills lack these compounds, they increase a person’s risk of negative side effects.

taza de café con cafeína


Caffeine may have some positive health effects. However, most of the research on caffeine examines the effects of the caffeine in coffee. Because of this, it is often difficult for scientists to separate the benefits of caffeine from the benefits of other substances in coffee, such as antioxidants.

Greater concentration and memory

Taking caffeine pills while working or studying can improve concentration. Caffeine is a popular way to improve alertness and concentration. Science supports its effectiveness for these reasons.

One study looked at the effects of pills containing 200 mg of caffeine on memory. The researchers found that those who took caffeine pills during a learning task performed better on memory tests 24 hours later compared to those who took a placebo.

Enhanced athletic performance

Caffeine can improve a person’s athletic performance if taken in the right amount at the right time. Among the most prominent benefits are better coordination, focus and concentration, less pain and feelings of fatigue, and improved endurance in high-intensity exercises.

Science indicates that taking caffeine can improve exercise performance by affecting muscular strength and endurance. However, some competitions have prohibited their intake. Taking approximately 500 mg, or 6 to 8 cups of brewed coffee, 2 to 3 hours before a competition is enough to give a positive urine drug test.

migraine relief

Caffeine can relieve both migraines and tension headaches, possibly because it reduces a person’s perception of pain. Experts have approved the use of caffeine with pain relievers to treat migraines. Some migraine medications contain caffeine.

However, caffeine should be limited to no more than 2 days a week to treat headaches. It appears that consuming caffeine three or more times per week might increase the frequency of migraines. They also suggest that those who have frequent headaches avoid caffeine altogether.

mujer tomando pastillas de cafeina


Caffeine can cause adverse effects, especially if people consume it in large amounts or if they have a sensitivity to caffeine. Disadvantages include anxiety and nervousness, diarrhea, dizziness, dysphoria, rapid heart rate, headache, heartburn, high blood pressure, nausea, trouble sleeping, and thirst. Even taking extremely high amounts of caffeine can cause an overdose.

People can also experience caffeine dependence if they consume it regularly; even 1 cup a day can lead to dependency. This dependency can also lead to withdrawal symptoms if the person suddenly avoids caffeine. However, not everyone who drinks caffeine daily will experience dependence or withdrawal symptoms. Genetic factors play a role in a person’s sensitivity to caffeine.

Caffeine may not be suitable for everyone. For example, experts recommend that children and teens avoid caffeine and other stimulants. High caffeine intake during adolescence can cause permanent changes in the brain that can increase anxiety in adulthood. Similarly, people who are pregnant, nursing, or trying to conceive should talk to a doctor about taking caffeine pills.

How to drink?

Although consuming up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is generally considered safe, it does not make it a healthy habit. It is possible to develop a dependency on caffeine pills. Most health experts do not recommend them because the risks outweigh the benefits. It’s much easier to consume too much caffeine, and caffeine supplements don’t provide the same beneficial compounds as a cup of coffee.

The best way to take these pills is by following the directions on the label or asking a doctor for recommendations on how to take caffeine pills. We can also follow these tips:

  • Limit caffeine consumption to 400 mg per day. Keep in mind that caffeinated foods or beverages, such as coffee, tea, sodas, and caffeinated beverages, have added caffeine. It may be best to avoid them when taking this supplement.
  • Avoid caffeine pills close to bedtime.
  • Avoid over-the-counter medications, such as cold or allergy medications.
  • Do not drink grapefruit juice when taking caffeine pills because it can increase the effects.