Do bananas lose fiber when ripe?

Bananas change in flavor and appearance as they ripen. But do they also change their nutritional content? As they go from green and firm to yellow and soft, do they lose some of their fiber content?

Not exactly, they don’t lose fiber, but it does change as the banana ripens. Go from having a more resistant starch to one less. Resistant starch is a type of prebiotic fiber that is found mainly in foods such as cereals, potatoes, bananas, and beans. As their name implies, these starches resist being broken down in the digestive tract. This allows them to remain intact until they reach the large intestine, where they can be used as fuel for the good bacteria in our gut.

fiber does change

As a banana ripens, its carbohydrate structure breaks down from prebiotic fibers and pectin to sugar. For example, a totally green banana contains more than 3 grams of fiber, while an overripe banana has less than 2 grams of fiber. The amount of total carbohydrates in a banana remains constant, regardless of its level of ripeness. But the change in fiber content can be attributed to the transformation of its carbohydrates as it matures . The values of other nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin C, proteins and fats, remain constant at any stage of maturity.

Another thing that changes as a banana ripens is the satiety factor. This means that eating a ripe banana instead of eating a greener one can have different effects on appetite. An overripe banana is perfect for baking. But less ripe bananas are recommended to get more of that prebiotic fiber. Prebiotic fiber has a satiety effect, making us feel fuller for longer. That said, the flavor of fully green bananas may not be as appetizing as that of ripe bananas, so we’ll be looking for a middle ground. If a banana is having its prime, it might be better suited for banana bread than snack time.

platano maduro con fibra

Greens have more fiber

And while the sugar content may seem high, the glycemic index of ripe bananas actually scores a low 51, while slightly unripe fruit (yellow with some green sections) scores an even lower 42. This means that the bananas will help maintain the blood. more consistent sugar levels (compared to higher GI foods), while avoiding big spikes and crashes .

This could be due to the amount of resistant starch in the fruit, which moves through the small intestine without much absorption into the bloodstream. Bananas, therefore, are a good food choice for people with diabetes or others trying to control their blood sugar levels.

Many of us may think that bananas must be completely yellow when we eat them. But bananas are healthy and safe to eat at any stage of their development. Next time you’re looking for one, remember that a banana that’s a little green may have a little more gut-friendly fiber than one that’s fully ripe or overripe (those might be better for one of our healthy banana recipes). banana desserts).