Discover the perfect measurements for your bike

If you need to change your bicycle, change it for a new one, or simply install a new saddle, you must be clear that a good fit is always important on your bicycle that allows you to ride comfortably on it.

To do this, you must not only configure the seat of the bicycle, but, in order to maintain a good position with it, it is necessary that you constantly know and check the 3 most important measures so that you can travel peacefully on the road.

Find out which components of the bicycle you should adjust whenever you are going to make a route with it and what is the best way to configure them.

1. Chair height

The height of the saddle or saddle is, without a doubt, the most important measurement for cyclists. It is key because it affects your level, your ability to apply watts (watts are a unit of measurement used in cycling that serves to measure our power output while riding our bike) and your knee health.

It is also the easiest measure to configure, as well as to change or slide.

To get the proper seat height, the seat should be high enough that the heel just touches the pedal at the bottom of the pedal rotation, but not so high that the heel is above your toes. foot at the bottom of the pedal stroke.

Once you’ve found the perfect spot for your saddle, you should measure the distance from the top of the saddle to the center of the pedal shaft, with the pedal positioned farthest from the saddle. Once this is done, you should write down that number and keep it in a convenient place for easy reference.

Debemos tener medidas perfectas en nuestra bicicleta para un buen viaje

2. Saddle kickback

An improper chair position can lead to serious problems. If your chair is not in a good position, you run the risk of having a numbness in the lower regions, and at the same time, have a greater risk of injury and discomfort.

Proper saddle setback (that is, keeping it tight even when moving the saddle forward or backward) can relieve pressure on the wrong part of the pelvis, while increasing your pedaling efficiency. By loosening the bolts that hold the saddle to the seat post, you can move it back and forth to find the sweet spot.

The front of the ball joint should be directly over the pedal axle when you are mid-pedaling. Most bike installers hang a piece of rope with a small weight on the bottom from the side of the rider’s ball joint to see if it lines up directly with the spindle. You should note that the saddle is grooved in its septets: many of them have marking rules on the rails, so it is an easy measurement to notice.

Tener un ajuste perfecto en la bicicleta nos ayuda a viajar bien

3. Handlebar reach

Handlebar reach is simply the distance from your saddle to the handlebar . Too long a reach (that is, when you reach too far to reach the bars) can create an imbalance with your weight distribution on the front and rear wheels, which means you risk being uncomfortable and having trouble controlling your bike.

On the other hand, too short a reach (when you are sitting more vertically because the distance is very short) can be negative, making your position too vertical, generating a decrease in your power and your nervous control.

The length of the seat post and the top of your bike are important when buying it. You can make minor adjustments when adjusting your seatpost, but they are measurements that you should know before going to buy one. Make sure the front-to-back dimension of the bike is the most suitable for you. The seat post should be neither too short nor too long.

Therefore, for a good fit of your bike, you should look for a reach where the elbows bend slightly with the hands on the brake bells, without having to go flexing the spine too much to get there.

The best way to measure and record handlebar reach is from the seat tube, just below the saddle, to the headset. If you already have a large bike mount, you can point out your maximum tube length for future bike purchases.


If you are still struggling to nail down these three measurements , you may need to contact a good bike installer who will allow you to set up your bike in a professional manner. This would be a good investment so that you can comfortably cycle. In addition, a good bike fit helps prevent chronic knee problems or back pain, and it will also make you feel more comfortable, helping you pedal more efficiently .

Therefore, during a fitting session, remember to ask the installer to fine-tune these key measurements so that you can maintain maximum riding comfort.


  • Molly Hurford, Get a Perfect Bike Fit: 3 Key Measurements Every Cyclist Should Know. For Bicycling [Revised November 2015].