DELTA diet: the healthiest way to lose weight easily

The DELTA diet is the healthiest way to lose weight without experiencing a rebound effect. The basis of this diet was confirmed by doctor Yann Rougier, a specialist in neuroimmunology, creating a diet that strengthens the immune system and has become the most popular diet.

We all know or have read that eating a healthy diet along with daily physical activity allows the body to work more efficiently and minimizes the risk of developing chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases.

And it is that, feeding thinking about the protection and control of health should not be a sacrifice; It is important to enjoy eating and eating time, for this reason, the correct diet must include all the food groups in adequate amounts according to the needs of each person.

Regarding this, the specialist Yann Rougier points out that “our diet has changed more in the last 50 years than in 50 centuries” . This is due to the fact that today a large number of highly processed and refined industrial foods are loaded with additives, colorings and preservatives. This diet is very far from that of our ancestors who have consumed organic products directly from the ground and without pesticides.

DELTA diet: the best way to lose weight

According to Rougier, this new way of eating would mean eating an acid-based diet: “We consume too much protein, sugar, fat and processed products. This results in a weakening of the immune system, hormonal imbalances, inflammation of the tissues, glycation – permanent modification of the amino groups of proteins by sugars – and chronic diseases ”.

grupo de alimentos de la dieta DELTA

This imbalance in our diet leads to a permanent acidification – diseased or disease-prone body since the blood, cells and vital organs function in a hostile environment and in constant danger – that explain why there are currently more cases of diabetic people, with chronic inflammatory diseases, metabolic syndrome and obesity.

To overcome this problem, Yann Rougier suggests compensating for this acidity by balancing the alkalinity in foods. It is assumed that with this diet it is possible to lose weight of 2 to 5 kilos in a month and in the healthiest way.

What is the DELTA diet?

What the diet suggests is that a certain energy balance must be maintained to maintain harmony in the health of the physical body . For this, it must be borne in mind that everything that is ingested is absorbed into the energy body and will be shown later in the functioning of the organism.

The theory explains that to keep us in perfect condition it is important to take a certain amount of each of the food groups classified in this diet on a daily basis.

The DELTA diet consists of eating a diet that is 70% alkaline and 30% acid , but how does it work? The key is to divide the food by color, but not by the colors that characterize these foods. Yann Rougier’s classification is as follows.

Green, orange and yellow foods

They could be easily consumed since they are classified as alkaline. What are the foods are green and orange?

  • All vegetables except potatoes, carrots and pumpkin, due to their high glycemic index, can only be consumed in moderate doses.
  • Legumes, organic eggs, raw fruits. Avoid all types of meats such as beef and processed meats such as industrial sausages and hamburgers, as they negatively affect health.
  • Consumption of aromatic herbs and spices , as well as green foods, which have a lower glycemic index than oranges, for example.

Red foods

Consumption of these foods should be limited so that the acid-alkaline balance is controlled . They can be taken together with the foods of the previous group, especially with vegetables. Red foods would be simple carbohydrates such as rice or pasta, bread, potatoes, cooked fruits, fatty cheese, and fruit juices .

Purple foods

These are the restricted ones on this diet and the ones you should generally avoid. These are processed, precooked, refined foods, high-fat dairy, sandwiches, fast foods, alcohol, red meat, sandwiches, cold cuts, smoked products, industrial sweets, cereals and the typical rice or corn pancakes – normally included in diets to lose weight but they are not the best option to maintain a healthy diet. Therefore, it is best to avoid or reduce its consumption.

As in any diet, it is important to accompany it with the practice of sports and, in addition, that your meals are baked, steamed or cooked, avoiding fried ones. However, we already know how this type of miracle diet works, it may turn out to be good and it may be ideal, but each body is different and each metabolism has its own rhythm.