Defined abs: get them by changing these 3 things in your routine

Let’s face it: we are all a bit obsessed with weight and, specifically, with the fat that accumulates in our belly. We try to eat less, move more, do specific exercises to eliminate it… But no matter how motivated we are: frustration ends up coming. Even if we lose weight we always have that “michelin” that does not completely disappear . If it has happened to you too and you are tired of following tips to get a flat stomach that never comes or tired of pounding yourself in the gym without success, read on. In this article we explain the three changes that you must make in your daily routine in addition to training to achieve defined abs .

1. Work the abdominal area alone

A very common mistake when trying to achieve defined abs is to exclusively exercise this area and ignore the others. The abdominal area is very small, so exercising only these muscles will not help you burn a lot of fat . And, if excess fat is not burned, it is impossible to define the muscles with visible results, since our abs are hidden under that layer of extra fat that we must first eliminate.

Also, some of the more popular crunch techniques target the hip flexors more than the core , which also doesn’t help you achieve a defined abs. The core or nucleus is the area that encompasses the entire abdominal region and lower back. It is made up of the obliques, rectus abdominis, pelvic floor, diaphragm, multifidus and the most important muscle of all: the transverse abdominal muscle. You have to work all these muscle groups to burn abdominal fat and achieve a defined abdomen , so we need a variety and intensity of exercises greater than the typical abdominals of a lifetime.

The solution: focus on the whole body

The best way to get rid of the fat our abs are hiding under is by burning calories. And the best way to effectively burn calories is to do cardio two to three days a week and medium-high intensity resistance training three to four days a week. You can also reduce your abdominal exercise circuit to two or three movements per workout. That will suffice, because spending time in the gym working out your entire body burns more calories than doing 200 sit-ups, which in turn helps you burn more fat and achieve a flat stomach.

Abdominales definidos: tres errores que debes evitar

2. Not eating adequate food

When we work our abs to achieve a flat stomach, we tend to focus only on the visible accumulations of fat in our belly, the subcutaneous fat. But there is another type of fat called visceral fat that we do not take into account and that is just as important or more than visible fat when it comes to losing weight and toning our abdomen. Visceral fat is that which is located in the abdominal area but inside the body, surrounding the vital organs. This type of fat is especially harmful to health because it causes an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Normally, when a person gains weight, visceral fat is the first to increase, and by not being aware of its presence, it is more difficult to eliminate. That is why a diet that is too high in carbohydrates can be very problematic. Eating too many low-fiber, high-sugar foods can raise insulin levels, which is responsible for storing all those calories as visceral fat.

The solution: less sugar, more fiber and a meal routine

You can make it harder for your body to store excess calories as fat by limiting your intake of refined carbohydrates . It is also favorable to increase the intake of foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables or oatmeal. Also, it is important to eat at least five meals a day on a set schedule. It is proven that eating erratically influences weight gain and the location of abdominal fat, so if your goal is to achieve perfect abs, you should watch your diet.

Abdominales definidos: tres errores que debes evitar

3. Have a sedentary life

Even if we go to the gym, the truth is that most people spend the rest of the day working at a desk without hardly moving. Office work is not something we can choose in many cases, but the truth is that sitting in a chair all day causes the metabolism to slow down . And this in turn causes our body’s fat burning process to be less effective. In addition, body posture also plays a very important role when it comes to having defined abs. The hip flexors and the psoas are the muscles in charge of connecting the abdominal area with the lumbar area. When sitting for long hours, the hips bend forward, pushing the belly out.

The solution: move as much as you can

You are not going to quit your job to get a body to die for, but the premise is simple: Move. Something as easy as walking for an hour at a moderate pace can burn 200 calories. Instead of using public transportation or driving to work, walk. Set an alarm every hour to get up and spend a few minutes changing your posture. Walk a bit, stretch, go up and down some stairs . And, if possible, do specific exercises for the abdominals (for example planks, which consist of strengthening the abdominal area by leaning on the forearms and the balls of the feet) or stretching in your chair for a few minutes.

If during your shift you don’t have time to get up and you can’t leave your job, try following a simple exercise routine like the one below. You can do it wherever you want since you do not need additional material or much space. It is perfect to do it at home before going to work, when you return from your day or even during the lunch break. It does not take more than three minutes, and you will ensure a little bit each day to move, burn fat and achieve defined abs.