Dead bug: pilates exercise to work your core and tone it

For a long time, one of the quintessential exercises to work the core that was present in all fitness routines has been the plank. Lately, however, he has been competing with a Pilates move called the dead bug . We are going to explain what this exercise consists of and how to do it correctly.

How is the Dead Bug done ?

The literal translation of this exercise would be “dead bug”. The name comes from the position that the body takes when performing it . And unlike the typical plank, the dead bug works, apart from the core, the glutes, the arms and the legs.

Movement of the arms in the dead bug

To perform this exercise you must stretch on the floor facing the ceiling with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor. Stretch your arms toward the ceiling and move your left arm back, leaving it parallel to the floor, more or less at ear level .

Return to the starting position and perform the same movement, but this time with your right arm . Then return your right arm to the starting position and do the same movement with both arms at the same time . Alternate the movement of each arm individually with that of both at the same time.

When you master the exercise, add difficulty to the movement by lifting your feet off the ground to lose your foothold.

Leg movement in the dead bug

Now we are going to show you how to work your legs in this exercise. From the starting position, rest your arms on the floor and raise your legs to a 90-degree angle between your knee and hip. Next, stretch your right leg until it is parallel to the ground .

Without supporting it, return to the initial 90-degree position to later do the same movement with the opposite leg . Alternate the movement until both legs are crossed in the middle of the course and, if you want to add more difficulty to this part, eliminate the support of your arms.

Cómo hacer el ejercicio dead bug

Complete the dead bug

Now you are ready to combine the two movements and do the complete dead bug. Position yourself with your back on the floor, raise your arms and make a 90-degree angle between your knee and hip with your legs. Move your right arm back up to ear level and, at the same time, straighten your left leg until it is parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position and perform the same exercise but with the opposite leg and arm.


It is a simple exercise in which you must always keep the abdominal muscles active so that the lower back does not arch . In this exercise it is very important to always keep your back on the ground.

Speed is not a good companion, so we advise you to make slow movements in which you maintain control at all times . Excess training is not a good idea either: we recommend doing 2 or 3 sets of 5 to 8 repetitions to achieve better results. Also, don’t forget to control your breathing well during exercise. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Variants of the dead bug

With your polished technique and a more worked core, you can make small variations of the dead bug to continue increasing the difficulty. You can perform the exercise by adding a weight plate to your hands to increase the work of your core and arms . You can also add rubber bands that provide resistance to your feet or arms to add extra difficulty to the exercise.

As you can see, the dead bug is a simple exercise, although this does not mean that technique should be downplayed. Plus, you can add difficulty, which makes it perfect for any fitness routine.