What muscles do you strengthen with Russian twists?

In this article we look at the Russian twist, a core strengthening movement that targets the obliques and abs. Today I reveal the muscles used to perform this rotational movement, some movement variations and the best benefits of incorporating this into your regular training routine.

What muscles are used in Russian turns?

This movement is a core exercise that targets the torso muscles and spinal stabilizers (core muscles, mainly the obliques). Additionally, the Russian twist can help increase torso rotational motion and improve isometric core control. The muscle groups below are specifically targeted when performing the Russian twist (slightly different than standing Russian twist exercises), whether it be with body weight under load (medicine ball, plate twist, etc.).

hombre con abdomen marcado por giros rusos

  • Oblique
  • ABS
  • Spinal erectors
  • Upper back (scapular stabilizers)

How is it done correctly?

Here we show you how to do the exercise correctly, which can be done with body weight, a medicine ball, a companion or a plate.

Russian spin with medicine ball

The Russian twist can be done with body weight at which tempos, ranges of motion, and repetition schemes can be manipulated to increase the difficulty of this moment. It is recommended that athletes pay attention to excessive flexion in the lumbar spine under fatigue during this movement (as well as most movements). This movement should be done with an emphasis on oblique development and smooth, controlled movements (with or without speed), which place a strong emphasis on not allowing the athlete to perform repetitions without thinking.

Russian twists with a partner

The following video shows how to perform the Russian twist move with a partner. This is just another variation of movement that offers another twist to help some athletes use teamwork and support to try harder, keep up, or just incorporate more team-based training.

3 benefits of Russian twist (with or without load)

Rotational training

Rotary training is key to most athletic sports and core development. Movements like the Russian twist can help athletes increase the ability of the oblique muscles to support movement in the spine by counteracting the rotational forces applied to it. This is often known as anti-rotation training (it strengthens exact ranges of motion that can also be excessively damaging). This can have great application in athletes of strength, power, and fitness, as core stabilization and anti-rotation training can help aid in snatch, squat, and deadlift. Increasing your ability to stabilize your spine and torso during loaded movements means greater prevention of injury and outflow of force.

Core isometric force

When we talk about muscle actions, we often think of the contraction and lengthening phases (concentric and eccentric). Isometric contractions are also key to most strength, power, and fitness movements as they can help us maintain stiffness and tension while on the move. The Russian twist can help us create central isometric strength while adding dynamic movement to the mix (rotational training) resulting in better stability and core control for things like gymnastics, weight lifting, and resistance training.

Oblique and dorsal movement

To create fluid movement, we must make sure to address any need for mobility and flexibility, neurological disconnects that can stop movement and increase an athlete's control and strength-producing ability. The Russian twist, while simplistic in nature, can be made with a variety of tempos and ranges of motion to help athletes establish greater core strength and a sense of motion control applicable to almost any other sport. Tight obliques, lats, and muscle tension can also negatively impact an athlete's flexibility and movement pattern during dynamic movements often found in weight lifting, fitness, sports, and lifetime. Once you develop strength and movement, you can exhibit better control and range of motion throughout the body and torso (lats, core, etc.).