Artichoke, a powerful star food

The artichoke is a very healthy food. It is a source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are very beneficial for health. It is a very well-regarded food for its great nutritional contributions. Surely you have already heard that including artichoke in the diet is very positive. We tell you why!

Benefits of artichoke

  • Due to its fiber content, it is a highly recommended food in case of digestive problems such as constipation and, at the same time, diarrhea .
  • Relieves discomfort such as heartburn and abdominal pain .
  • It improves the states of high tension and regulates the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood.
  • They are satiating , so they will help you stay firm when it comes to pecking or abusing the quantities.
  • They provide minerals such as magnesium, potassium, sodium and iron.
  • It contains vitamin A and vitamins of group B.
  • It helps dissolve fluid retention due to its diuretic properties and promotes the elimination of toxins.
  • It is ideal for the natural care of the liver , since it acts as a natural hepatoprotector .
  • It favors the correct digestion of fats and is ideal in cases of gas or indigestion.

As you can see, it is logical that it is considered one of the most suitable vegetables in any diet. You can include it in many ways to nourish yourself with all its contributions without getting bored.


Artichoke diet, yes or no?

The artichoke diet is one of the best known in weight loss diets. However, beyond diets, it is a food that you should not do without. This, as well as the pineapple or lemon diet, consists of including this food more frequently over the course of approximately three days . What is intended is to reduce the swelling of our body , eliminate toxins and promote the states of fluid retention.

What happens with this type of "diet" is that at the end you have to be very careful not to undo what you have achieved by returning to normal nutrition. Basically, it is about including the artichoke in the main meals of the day and restricting the rest of the meals .

In our opinion, although it is good for certain people to spend a few days purifying their body, these miracle diets are counterproductive. It is likely that, throughout the days, we are leaving aside certain nutritional values that our body needs ; and this could become a problem in our health.

Therefore, the ideal is always to carry out a healthy and varied diet. And not in a specific way, to reach certain goals, but constantly . In the long run, this will make us feel good about our body. It is always advisable to supplement the diet with daily physical exercise . By leading a healthy lifestyle and good habits, we don't need miracle diets.

If you are interested in how to be consistent in your diet, click here.