6 “fake” healthy foods: are they really that good?

Eating a healthy diet can be a great challenge to improve your physical appearance and health, and prevent various diseases. However, false healthy foods are often added to the diet that, due to their properties, can affect your health .

In this sense, it is recommended to use natural foods or that are not refined, since in this way you will ensure that you take advantage of all its benefits. Additionally, many diet products may have chemicals added to improve their taste and appearance, which can reduce their properties . Find out which are the main false healthy foods that can put your health at risk!

Alimentos perjudiciales que pueden afectar tu salud

Top fake healthy foods to avoid in your routines

In the market there are some foods labeled as healthy that can be equal or more harmful than those they seek to replace.

Low fat foods

Free or low-fat foods are often considered a healthy option that can help you take care of your health. In this sense, these fake health foods can contain large amounts of refined sugars to try to reduce the bad taste of foods without fat .

In the same way, you should bear in mind that not all types of fats are harmful to your health: for example, unsaturated ones that can protect your heart . In addition, in a controlled way, they can improve the functioning of your body and be more beneficial than the excess sugar in these foods.

Falsos alimentos saludables: las comidas bajas en grasas

Commercial salad dressing

Salads are healthy foods that can provide you with a large number of beneficial nutrients and organic compounds. However, in the case of processed salads, they may not be as healthy as you think .

In this sense, these fake health foods contain large amounts of refined sugars, oils, fats, and harmful chemicals . In this way, although the fruits and vegetables themselves are healthy, these additives can reduce their benefits. Therefore, it is favorable that you prepare your own salads and dress them with vinaigrette or olive oil.

Aderezos para ensaladas, pueden contrarrestar los beneficios

Processed or sugary fruit juices

Fruits are foods with a nutritional contribution that makes them naturally beneficial, in salads or juices. However, when products are processed they can contain large amounts of chemicals such as preservatives or artificial flavors that can be harmful . Similarly, many of these products are low in fruit and mostly made up of water and additives.

On the other hand, both commercial juices and some prepared at home can contain large amounts of sugars that will affect your health . In this sense, it is favorable to consume fruits naturally or in juices without added sugar, since they have a significant content.

Zumos de frutas azucaradas pueden ser dañinos y perjudiciales


Margarine was long labeled as a healthy substitute for animal-based butters or butters. In this sense, these fake health foods usually contain large amounts of chemical additives and saturated fats of plant origin that can also be harmful .

Consequently, these refined vegetable oils can affect your cardiovascular system and make you more prone to cholesterol or heart problems. Also, like butter, they can make you gain weight and suffer from obesity or have skin problems like acne . In this way, it is recommended to consume natural margarines that do not have trans fats or saturated oils that can affect your health.

Falsos alimentos saludables: la margarina contiene un alto contenido de grasas dañinas

Processed breakfast cereals

Eating cereals is usually an alternative to eat healthy and quickly before going to work, studying or doing physical activities. However, most of these foods tend to contain chemicals, refined grains, and sugars that can reduce the potential benefits and affect your health .

Therefore, when buying these types of products, observe the list of ingredients and avoid them if you see a large number of additives. Healthy cereals are the same unrefined cereals . Also, if you want a presentation with sugar, avoid those that contain more than 10 grams per serving.

Falsos alimentos saludables: el cereal procesado puede contener pocos nutrientes y u alto contenido de compuestos perjudiciales

Energy bars

Protein can help you get quick energy after training and build your muscles. However, if you consume commercial protein bars, you should bear in mind that their protein intake is low in relation to harmful added additives .

Consequently, these fake health foods often contain refined sugars and syrups, sodium, artificial colors and flavors, soy, and other additives that reduce their benefits . In this sense, by consuming these protein bars you are consuming a large amount of calories and carbohydrates that can generate an adverse effect than is expected. In this way, it is better that you prepare your own protein foods or use supplements recommended by specialists.

Las barras de proteína pueden contener aditivos perjudiciales

Marketing labels to avoid when consuming "healthy" products

When buying your food, you should keep in mind that many attractive offers and labels are often a hoax to attract customers . In this way, some companies use marketing strategies to deceive consumers who want to eat healthily.

  • Fat-free foods : These are one of the most common fake healthy foods on the market, as they are often high in sugar . In this way, you must bear in mind that the less fat the foods have, the more refined sugars they will have to disguise their flavor. Also, foods free of trans fats often contain hydrogenated fats that can affect your health.
  • Attractive aromas and flavors : many processed foods often contain chemical additives that alter their natural composition . In this sense, foods with an exaggerated taste or aroma usually have artificial ingredients that are harmful to health.
  • Cholesterol-free foods : These are generally foods that naturally contain no cholesterol and are sold with this label to stand out from the competition. In this sense, it is favorable to evaluate the properties of its ingredients to detect possible marketing deceptions.
  • Organic products : they usually contain large amounts of refined sugars and fats that can affect your health. In addition, some products include plant additives that can alter the characteristic properties of foods and cause adverse effects.


  • Baier, L. (2020, February 6). The Top 18 WORST Fake Healthy Foods (Avoid These) . A Sweet Pea Chef. https://www.asweetpeachef.com/fake-healthy-foods/
  • Khan, N. (2020, July 1). 15 'Health Foods' That Are Really Junk Foods in Disguise . Healthline. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/15-health-foods-that-are-really-junk-foods#14.-Gluten-free-junk-foods