4 mistakes we make at breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but in Spain only 70% do it and not in the most appropriate way. Children and adolescents usually drink a glass of milk or nothing, something totally counterproductive to academic performance. Of course, not making a good breakfast can lead to obesity and overweight problems.

After about 8 hours sleeping, our body needs to regain strength to face the rest of the day with energy. And although we have spent our whole lives eating breakfast, it seems that we have not finished doing it correctly.
A mistake is, without a doubt, not having breakfast or having a simple coffee in order to "lose weight". This will only increase the craving for food and we will binge on lunch. In addition, a coffee without food can be a little aggressive for the digestive system . Do you want to wake up your body? Start the day with a glass of water with a few drops of lemon.

Next, we are going to correct other habits that you may have to make a perfect breakfast.

Take processed products

Both juices, cookies and industrial pastries are a focus of simple sugars and unhealthy fats. Due to lack of time we usually end up consuming them; It is true that they satiate and fill us, but their nutritional value is minimal. It is much better to have a piece of fruit or a natural juice with some whole grain crackers or toast.

Do not consume protein

Breakfast we must try to make it a meal that contains the 3 main food groups: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Most focus on eating carbohydrates for breakfast, but forget that protein has a high biological value at breakfast. Those who incorporate proteins, usually opt for the egg in all its variables: scrambled, cooked, in tortilla … Although it is also a great option to consume some lean sausage such as turkey or Serrano ham.

Not taking enough fiber

Fiber is very important to integrate into our diet, but if we take it at breakfast it will help us regulate intestinal transit and will provide a feeling of satiety so as not to itch between meals. Wholemeal and seed bread, muesli cereals, nuts added to a yogurt or a piece of fruit (kiwis, plums or apples) provide an extra fiber.

Avoid fats

The false myths that fats make you fat make us avoid them in our diet, which is a big mistake. Consuming them at breakfast will burn them for the rest of the day, so you have nothing to fear. Some examples of healthy fats are:

  • Virgin olive oil, contains beneficial acids and vitamin E
  • Nuts, especially walnuts due to their high omega 3 content
  • Olives
  • A slice of smoked salmon
  • Fish pate

Eating breakfast correctly will make you face the day differently and will help you notice faster changes in your training. It is important that you take your time for the first meal of the day, and try to do it after 15 or 20 minutes from when you wake up.