10 minute cardio routine to include in your day to day

Can you imagine it was possible to achieve a spectacular body with a ten minute cardio routine ? Well, you’re in luck, because if you have little time in your day to day to exercise your muscles and get fit, you can still get great results. Overwork, children, meetings and other daily routines take us away from places like gyms where we can do our best. However, little by little it has been discovered that you do not need a space of these characteristics to be able to give the best of yourself and achieve all those goals that we set ourselves when we stand in front of the mirror.

In this way, you just have to dust off your tracksuit and sneakers, and leave them in sight so that they remind us that every day we have the opportunity to improve ourselves . There is nothing like crossing those limits that one day we came to think we had. There is no excuse anymore. Playing sports is possible anywhere and the improvement we will feel physically and mentally will be our inspiration to keep moving forward.

Ten minute cardio routine

We all need a change from time to time and this can come hand in hand with a ten minute cardio routine . How can ten minutes a day of physical activity benefit us? It is very simple. Sport takes us away from the routine problems that we face every day. Likewise, any complex that we may feel on a physical level will be eliminated if we are constant.

On the other hand, we will feel that we are capable of proposing an activity and carrying it out . Although it may surprise us, challenging ourselves can be very satisfying. In addition, day after day we will feel that we are full of vitality and that there is nothing that can with us. So today is a great day for you to feel energized enough to assume that your muscles need constant movement and that you can afford to offer it to them . You dare?

Rutina de diez minutos para cardio

To achieve this, it is better to start small . The reason is that many people give up because of setting very high goals early on. Thus, starting with simpler purposes will show us that we can handle it and that we even have the possibility of increasing the level . In this way, a ten-minute cardio routine will be enough to train you.

Will you have to increase this level over time? It would not be necessary, unless your body asks you for more and you want to give it to it. Of course, the exercise has to be intense if we really want to see the results . But remember: it is very little time and you can handle it. Thus, you will be able to tone the muscles and accelerate the heart and metabolism to burn fat on a daily basis.


No, it is not child’s play, but it is one of the most recommended movements to warm up the whole body , in addition to increasing the pulse from the beginning of the activity. If your body resists it, give it ninety seconds , alternating slow jumps with faster jumps every fifteen seconds. There are those who do not feel capable of jumping rope, but even in these cases there is a solution.

How? Betting on the Swedish jump for about a minute . To do it you just have to stand up straight, and jump on the spot, without moving. We recommend that, in addition to the above, you open your legs laterally. Also, if you move your arms up and down the fat burning will multiply.


After jumping rope , bet on push-ups . To perform them, lie on your stomach. Now, put your hands and the balls of your feet on the ground. Both the arms and the body have to be completely straight, as if you were a board from head to toe. At this point, bending your elbows, you have to start descending until your chest is a few inches off the ground . The lower you go, the more you will work your body. When you see that you can’t take it anymore, you must regain the starting position . Perform as many reps as possible in 45 seconds . Over time this number will increase.


Anyone who wants to burn fat from their body has to focus on working those larger muscles that the body has . One of them is the quadriceps . The more muscle you want to build, the more calories you need to consume throughout the day. In this way, squats are a great exercise to work this area .

Stand straight, with your feet flat on the ground and shoulder-width apart. Now, you have to lower your buttocks, as if you were going to sit on a chair but with your back completely straight . When the legs are in a 90 degree position, it is time to ascend again to regain the starting position. Do as many reps as you can for thirty seconds .


The arms are a part of the body that we can never forget. Therefore, you have to train them with different exercises to activate all the muscles. Paying attention to the triceps is a must in a well-done workout . In this way, lie on your back and rest your hands on a bench or chair. Stretch your legs, moving your feet away from the furniture you are leaning on as much as possible. At first, you have to keep your arms straight . Next, it’s time to descend slowly , then ascend with a quick push . You have to do as many reps as you can for thirty seconds.


Who doesn’t like to show off their perfect abs ? Marking that “tablet” found in our abdomen is the dream of many. But, to achieve this, you have to constantly strive. Only then will you achieve your goal. Therefore, at this point in the training, sit on the floor, face up . You have to support the soles of your feet on it and bend your knees well.

Place your hands on your never or on your chest and rest your head on the floor. Now, you have to ascend bringing your mouth closer to the knees, noticing the tension in your abdomen at home . The variations are very different. Some people return to support their back on the ground while others remain halfway down. Repeat this movement twelve times.


Burpees are one of the most complete exercises that exist, in which resistance, strength and anaerobic activity merge . Depending on your energy, you can choose to do them more or less fast, which will depend on the number of repetitions. To carry it out, you need to stand up and squat down to squat, resting your hands on the ground. Now, taking a jump, throw your feet back , coming to a plank position. With another jump, return to the squat position and, again, jump vertically to return to the starting position . Do as many reps as you can for a minute.

Repeat this routine for up to ten minutes . You will be surprised what you can achieve in a short time.