How should your diet be to lose weight without doing sports

Sticking to a conventional diet and exercise plan can be difficult. However, there are several tricks that can help you eat fewer calories with ease, lose a few pounds, and prevent future weight gain . Here we show you the tricks to follow a diet to lose weight without doing sports.

The 6 keys of the diet to lose weight without doing sports

1. Eat lots of protein

The best allies in a diet to lose weight without doing sports are proteins, since they are a highly satiating macronutrient that also contributes to the fat-burning process . Proteins have powerful effects on appetite. It can increase feelings of fullness, reduce hunger, and help you eat fewer calories. This may be because protein affects several hormones that play a role in hunger and feeling full, such as ghrelin and GLP-1.

One study found that increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of total calories helped participants consume 441 fewer calories per day and lose 5 kilos in an average of 12 weeks , without intentionally restricting any foods or performing a specific sport.

So if for example your breakfast is based on having pastries or cereals, you can consider switching to a breakfast rich in protein, such as eggs . In another study, overweight or obese women who ate scrambled eggs for breakfast consumed fewer calories at lunch compared to those who ate cereal or cookies, and ended up eating fewer calories for the rest of the day and for the next 36 hours .

Some examples of foods rich in protein that you can introduce in your diet are chicken breasts, fish, Greek yogurt, lentils, quinoa or almonds .

Proteínas, clave en la dieta para perder peso sin hacer deporte

2. Increase your intake of foods rich in fiber

Eating foods rich in fiber is another key if you want to diet to lose weight without doing sports, since fiber can increase satiety , helping you feel fuller for longer. Studies also indicate that one type of fiber, soluble fiber, is particularly helpful for weight loss. Increases the feeling of fullness and reduces food intake.

Soluble fiber forms a gel when it comes in contact with water. This gel increases the absorption time of nutrients and delays the emptying of the stomach . This fiber is only found in plant foods. Some examples are beans, oatmeal cereals, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges, and flax seeds. There are also dietary supplements such as glucomannan that contain this type of fiber.

3. Drink water frequently

Drinking water can help you eat less and lose weight, especially if you drink it before a meal. A study conducted in adults found that drinking a pint of water about 30 minutes before meals reduced hunger and decreased calorie intake .

Participants who drank water before a meal lost 44% more weight over a 12-week period compared to those who did not . If you replace calorie-laden drinks – such as soda or juice – with water, you can experience an even greater weight loss effect.

4. Eliminate sweets and sugar in general

The worst enemy in a diet to lose weight without doing sports is sugar, especially that which we do not notice that we consume: the extra that is added in products such as milk or yoghurts, that of fruit juices, and of course the which include soft drinks. If you want to lose weight without exerting yourself, you should completely abandon soda, candy, and sweets . There is no other remedy.

perder peso sin hacer deporte

5. Serve yourself smaller portions (or eat on dessert plates)

Consuming larger portions has been linked to weight gain and obesity. A study in adults showed that doubling the size of, for example, entrees at a dinner, increased calorie intake by 30%. Serving yourself a little less could help you eat far fewer calories , and thus lose weight with almost no effort. Another good way to eat smaller portions is to get used to eating from dessert plates, since less food will fit in these.

6. Eat slowly and chew well

It takes time for the brain to process that it has eaten enough, so how quickly we eat food can influence weight loss. Chewing your food well makes you eat more slowly, and is also associated with a decrease in calories and an increase in the feeling of fullness .

In addition, there are several studies that show that those who eat faster are more likely to gain weight than those who eat slower. To get into the habit of eating more slowly, it can help to count how many times you chew each bite.