Control hair loss this fall

Autumn is the season when the old leaves fall to make room for the new ones. This renewal process is also experienced in our hair. Therefore, it is frequent to notice an increase in the fall of the same. First of all you should know that it is normal and it will grow stronger again. However, there are ways to control hair loss this fall . We will tell you.

Each season of the year has its peculiarity and characteristics. In the case of autumn, we could say that it is a season of change. Trees detach from their leaves to give rise to a new birth. In the case of our hair, the same thing happens. So if you see a greater amount of hair in the shower or on the pillow, don't panic. The hair will grow back, even stronger, in the months to come. So the first thing you should do is not be alarmed . The stress and nerves when you see that you lose a lot of hair, could be counterproductive and aggravate the situation. If there comes a point where you notice that the fall is excessive, go to a dermatologist who can determine your case and deduce the reasons why you are experiencing greater hair loss.

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Tips to control hair loss in autumn

After applying the first rule about fall hair loss (don't be alarmed), you should know that there are some tips that you can follow. Despite the fact that our particular change is normal, it is not pleasant to see the brush full of hair. For some people, especially if they are low in quantity, it can be a cause of distress . But you should know that specialists remember that, when one hair falls, it is because there is another pushing. If you think about it often, the situation may not seem so alarming to you.

Normal process

And again, tip number one. Remember every time you see an increase in the fall, which is a normal process. Our body reacts in a specific way to some seasonal changes. In the same way that trees and some animals, we also experience our particular change. And that, although it may shock us at first, is part of a natural process of change.

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Adequate food

Diet must be complete and healthy throughout the year, however, in these autumn months, make sure that you do not lack vitamin A, present in eggs, fish or dairy. In addition, pay special attention to legumes and citrus, a source of protein and vitamin C, respectively. The vitamin C in citrus helps to better assimilate iron from food, which translates into a hair that is more resistant to falling.

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Change of habits

If you have not yet succeeded, it is time for tobacco to pass to a better life. What better time than to fight against hair loss, to put aside the harmful tobacco. Smoking is very harmful to health. We always remind you that it is not necessary to wait for certain ailments, to make some smart decisions. Just do it, today is a good day.

Hair bands

In these months when you notice hair that is more sensitive to falling, try to wear your hair down or in loose braids. Avoid very tight pigtails and buns, as well as very tight hair bands. Opt for hair bands or ties. Especially to sleep, it is recommended to do it with the hair loose or with braids without pressure.

Dry after shower

A bad habit that we often do is rub the hair with the towel when leaving the shower . Replace this habit by gently tapping it to remove moisture. There are some highly recommended microfiber turbans in these cases. Get one of them and forget about the hair towels; and from excessive falling.

Washing frequency

Nothing happens if you wash your hair very often. This will not make you lose more quantity. Especially if your hair is very oily, it is recommended that you do so. However, it is important that you find special products for the frequency of washing. Always try to be as natural as possible, in this way you will avoid the chemical components that can cause damage to your hair.

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Stimulating massages

Every night, massage your scalp with your fingertips . In this way you stimulate blood circulation, preventing hair from falling and contributing to greater growth. In the same way, it exercises this soft massage when you wash it, avoiding rubbing with force, both the scalp and the tips.

Natural drying

Avoid drying hair with dryers and irons. It is much better to leave it outdoors although we understand that it is not always possible. Keep that in mind though, and when you can, put the heat of the dryers aside.

Dry brushing

Dry brushing is preferable. When we get out of the shower and it is wet, it is more susceptible to falling. Therefore, allow it to air dry and brush it once it is dry.