Complete guide to follow a vegan diet and not die trying

Contrary to what many people believe, eating a vegan diet can be totally healthy . However, this does not mean that a vegan or vegetarian diet is healthier than that of a person who eats animal products. A diet is healthy when it is balanced and varied, whether it is vegan or not. In a vegan diet, then, the nutrients provided by meat and other animal products will have to be obtained through other foods.

Types of vegetarian diets

Before entering the matter, it is important to note that there are three types of vegetarian diets:

  • Ovolácteovegetariana : in this diet neither meat nor fish nor their derivatives are consumed, but they are consumed, in addition to products of vegetable origin, eggs and dairy.
  • Ovovegetarian : meat, fish and dairy products are eliminated. Eggs, on the other hand, if they are included in the diet.
  • Vegetarian : only foods of plant origin are consumed. Everything that has animal origins is removed, including honey.

In this last diet, absolutely all products that come from an animal are eliminated. Consequently, the body can suffer from a lack of some nutrients , such as vitamin B12, and trigger some diseases such as anemia . However, if some very basic rules are followed very strictly, a vegan diet can be followed without causing a problem for the body.

Alimentos de origen vegetal

Basic rules for a vegan diet

  • Eat as varied a diet as possible.
  • Take a vitamin supplement of vitamin B12 and vitamin D. The latter occasionally during the winter. There are some vegetable milks, some soy products and some cereals that contain supplements of these vitamins, despite this it is advisable to take about 2000g of a vitamin supplement per week.
  • Drink drinks or fruits that are high in vitamin C.
  • Avoid refined sugars and white flours .
  • Reduce the consumption of extra oils and fats .
  • Get your omega-3s from seeds, nuts, avocado, and oils.
  • Do not abuse products made in an industrial way .
  • Fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains, cereals and whole grain products are the great allies. None can be eliminated from the diet.

Nutrients to take care of in a vegan diet

Not all nutrients in foods of animal origin are found in the same way in those of plant origin. To avoid future health problems, it is very important to know which nutrients are the most “dangerous” in this diet and where to find them:

  • B12 vitamin. As we have already mentioned, this vitamin is found mostly in products of animal origin. It is necessary to take vitamin supplements to avoid their lack.
  • Riboflavin or vitamin B2. It will be necessary to include almonds, bananas, cabbages, brewer’s yeast, spinach, wheat germ, legumes, asparagus, mushrooms, wild rice or whole grains in the daily menu. These products contain this nutrient that helps maintain healthy skin and eyes.
  • Omega 3. Essential nutrient for good cardiovascular and brain health. Some plant-based products that contain this nutrient are flax, chia, and sacha inchi seeds. Walnuts, avocado, and some oils also contain it.
  • Calcium. It is not very difficult to get the minimum amount of calcium that the body needs if the menus are varied and balanced. Calcium can be found in collards, turnips, cabbages, legumes, nuts, seeds, algae, broccoli, plums, oranges, and apricots.
  • Iron. Vegans can get this mineral by consuming nuts, seeds, legumes (especially lentils and chickpeas), fruits, potatoes and vegetables.

Essential food groups

You have to be very aware that a large amount of food has already been eliminated on a vegan diet. So many of plant origin become essential and none can be eliminated if you want to eat a healthy and responsible diet.

Grains and cereals

Grains and cereals form the base of the food pyramid. They are what will give the body energy, complex carbohydrates, fiber, iron and vitamins of group B. It is recommended to consume whole grains to obtain zinc and other minerals.

Ideally, consume 6 servings a day from this food group, which includes, for example, bread, rice, quinoa, oatmeal, and breakfast cereals.

Vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables are very important in this type of diet. It is best to have more daily servings of vegetables than fruit because it provides more caloric density and phytonutrients, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and promote liver health.

It is recommended that there be 4 daily servings of vegetables and between 2 and 3 of fruit . A serving of fruit, at a minimum, needs to be rich in vitamin C, such as strawberries, kiwis, or citrus fruits.

Las fresas contienen vitamina C

Legumes and nuts

The body needs protein and legumes and nuts are a good source of it. In addition, these products also contain B vitamins and minerals .

This group includes foods prepared from vegetable proteins, such as tofu, seitan or tempeh; soybeans, derived from soybeans, all legumes, all nuts and seeds.

In a balanced vegan diet there should be 2 servings a day of legumes and 3 of vegetable protein foods .

Fat and fatty foods

Fish provides Omega-3 to the body, if we eliminate it from the diet it is necessary to find foods that cover this lack. Nuts, seeds, avocado, and oils such as soy, flaxseed, canola, and olive are rich in Omega-3s.

2 daily servings of this type of product will be necessary.

Las semillas contienen Omega-3

Foods rich in calcium

Milk is not the only food that contains calcium . This nutrient is present in fruit, vegetables and many fortified foods . If the diet is balanced, the body will get the amount of calcium it needs. However, it is advisable to introduce foods enriched with it.

How to go vegan

Normally a person decides to become vegan to stop being a participant in animal suffering . There may be other reasons, but this is usually the main one.

Abandoning the omnivorous diet is not easy. Leaving cold cuts, meats, fish, seafood, dairy products, and more behind, can be very difficult because they are foods that have been there a lifetime. But those who decide to do so can choose two routes, the fast or the slow.

The fast track

Going the fast track means eliminating all animal foods from your diet overnight. This drastic action has its benefits , such as the loss of those extra kilos, the disappearance of some digestive discomforts caused by products such as milk and the disappearance of the feeling of guilt because one is no longer a participant in animal abuse. However, it also has its consequences .

At first you can feel weakness in the body. This weakness may be due to an unbalanced diet or it may stem from insecurity itself. Headaches, tiredness and irritability can also appear after substituting animal proteins and fats for plant-based products. Also, excess fiber can lead to bloating, gas, or excessive bowel movements.

There is also the risk of making many mistakes when making such a decision in such a rush, such as consuming products that are unhealthy or contain an ingredient of animal origin. And, in the worst case, there may be a lack of nutrients in the diet, which can trigger the development of diseases or a considerable drop in defenses.

The slow way

This path is slower but less stressful and is a way to avoid wrong decisions or mistakes. It is about gradually substituting products of animal origin for those of plant origin. Normally, you start by changing the meat for tofu, seitan or derivatives. New dishes are tried and new recipes are prepared until finding those that very easily serve as substitutes for dishes made with foods of animal origin. The body gets used to this new diet little by little, so very rarely will there be any side effects.

Tofu para sustituir la carne

Many nutritionists recommend going from an omnivorous diet to a vegan one the slow way. In addition to health reasons, people who do it gradually have more time to experiment in the kitchen without haste or pressure. This learning process leads them to achieve a more varied and balanced diet.


When you make such an important decision that puts your health at risk, the first step is to be well informed about everything. Pushing yourself or wanting to go fast is not an option, mistakes can be made and cause health problems, frustration and even abandonment. A nutritionist can be the ideal guide for this type of change.

Going from an omnivorous diet to a vegan doesn’t have to be a problem outside the home. More and more restaurants offer vegetarian and vegan dishes, there are also many supermarkets that have decided to add a section with vegan products.

Many people, when they decide to go vegan to fight against animal abuse, go further and stop buying products that have been tested on animals or in which they have used them in one way or another. Currently there are many companies, the cosmetic ones are a clear example, that have decided not to use animals to test their products or manufacture them.

In conclusion, being vegan will be more and more within the reach of anyone because more and more supermarkets, companies and small stores offer options of non-animal origin. Doing it responsibly and thinking first about health is now up to everyone.