Chocolate truffles with banana and oatmeal (vegan)

Chocolate truffles have always been a typical dessert for special events. It is not usually eaten any day, and is closely linked to the Christmas season; But since it is always a good time to eat them, today we show you a fairly simple recipe. These truffles have a banana and oatmeal base, and are totally vegan. The coverage can be classic (with that cocoa powder that stains your fingers), or you can innovate with an almond crocanti.

Low in calories and ideal for athletes

By taking only three ingredients, and being all natural, this sweet has few calories and a lot of fiber. It is ideal for athletes looking for an extra energy before going to train, or to satisfy our craving for chocolate any day.

trufas de chocolate platano y avena

In the case of wanting to find an alternative for celiacs, you would only have to change the oatmeal for an allowed flour (such as chickpea). Always make sure that it does not contain traces that affect your intolerant condition.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 3 tablespoons of 100% defatted cocoa powder
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract


We unite the ingredients

In a bowl, place the banana, oatmeal, cocoa and vanilla essence. Since the banana will be ripe, it will be easy to crush with a fork before putting it in the bowl and facilitating the mixture.

We crush them

We pass the ingredients to a blender or food processor and grind until a completely homogeneous mass is left.

We form balls

With the crushed mass, we shape into balls (with the amount that burns in a spoon) and coat them in more cocoa powder.

To the fridge!

We put them in the fridge and taste them whenever we want.