Can you lose your period while pregnant?

Despite all the claims that exist, it is not possible to have a period during pregnancy. However, it is possible to experience “spotting” during early pregnancy, which is usually light pink or dark brown. And what do we owe this for?

As a general rule, if there is enough bleeding to fill a pad or tampon, it is a sign that you are probably not pregnant. If we have had a positive pregnancy test and are bleeding heavily, we will seek medical attention.

Menstruation or pregnancy?

The period occurs every month or so instead of an egg being fertilized. The eggs are released once a month from the ovary. When they are not fertilized, the egg leaves the uterus and is expelled through the vagina. Bleeding during a “normal” period usually begins light, then becomes heavier and darker red. It also lightens in color and amount towards the end of the cycle.

The differences between menstruation and pregnancy are supposed to be clear: once you’re pregnant, you no longer have periods . But it is not always so obvious. Some people claim that they have had their period during pregnancy. Social networks, blogs and even television programs feed some of the doubts about the conspiracy of periods during pregnancy.

A true period is blood loss that occurs at the end of a menstrual cycle as a result of the sperm not fertilizing the egg. When an egg remains unfertilized, hormones, which control the release of the egg into the fallopian tubes, cause the lining of the uterus to thicken. Then the lining of your womb disintegrates and sheds in what we call menstruation.

If we are pregnant, an egg has already been fertilized and is growing as an embryo within the walls of the uterus. Since the lining of the matrix is not discarded at the end of each month, there is no longer a rule. This is why one of the first signs of pregnancy is a missed period.

Bleeding is a warning sign, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Many people have healthy babies after experiencing spotting during the first trimester. If we bleed during pregnancy, it is related to more than just regular menstruation. After all, menstruation only happens when you’re not pregnant.

Bleeding during the first trimester

Between 15 and 25 percent of women spot during early pregnancy. Some of the causes may be implantation bleeding, changes in the cervix, infection, molar pregnancy (an abnormal mass fertilizes instead of a fetus), ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy outside the uterus), or early signs of miscarriage.

decisional bleeding

Women who report having periods during a pregnancy usually experience a phenomenon sometimes called decidual bleeding. In this, a small part of the uterine lining can be shed during the first months of early pregnancy at the time that the woman would have had her period.

Decidual bleeding is not a true menstrual period, but it can look similar enough that women who experience it may not realize they are pregnant until well into their pregnancy.

implantation bleeding

This happens in the early stages of pregnancy. At this point, we probably haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet. This type of bleeding happens when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, usually around the time the period is expected.

Implantation bleeding is sometimes mistaken for a period, although the bleeding is usually light or just spotting. Shortly after pregnancy, spotting may also be experienced due to changes in the cervix. Unless there is an infection, this is usually not a cause for concern.

Other causes

Other types of early bleeding that may indicate an emergency medical problem such as infection, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, or miscarriage.

These may also be accompanied by severe cramping or abdominal pain, back pain, fainting or loss of consciousness, fatigue, shoulder pain, fever, changes in vaginal discharge, or uncontrollable nausea and vomiting. The bleeding is also much more intense, unlike the spotting. It’s more like a normal ruler.

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Bleeding in the second and third trimesters

Bleeding beyond the first trimester usually requires medical attention. Regardless of whether bleeding during the second and third trimesters is light or heavy, with or without other symptoms, a doctor should be called urgently. Common causes of bleeding during the remainder of pregnancy are term or premature delivery or cervical dilation, miscarriage, placenta previa, placental abruption, or uterine rupture.

premature birth

This refers to any birth that occurs before 37 weeks. Before preterm labor, some people experience symptoms similar to those of a period, as well as a large amount of mucous discharge.

Although cramps can also be felt, preterm labor also causes contractions. Symptoms may also include back pain, a feeling of pressure in the vagina, and changes in bowel movements.

Previous placenta

This happens when the placenta implants low in the uterus and very close to or covers the cervix. The bleeding varies, but there are no other symptoms. Placenta previa can make delivery difficult.

The most common symptom of placenta previa is painless bright red vaginal bleeding. This is more common in the third trimester of pregnancy. However, bleeding can occur at any time during pregnancy. Placenta previa can cause bleeding late in pregnancy. This implies after about 20 weeks.

placental abruption

This occurs most often during the last months of pregnancy. The placenta detaches from the uterus, often causing severe bleeding and possibly severe stomach pain and cramping. Certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure, can increase the risk of placental abruption.

uterine rupture

A uterine rupture means that the muscle of the uterus separates or tears. This can cause uncontrollable bleeding. It occurs most often in those who have given birth by cesarean section in the past. Although rare, this type of tear occurs in old scars along the uterus.

Many of the conditions that occur in the later part of pregnancy cause bleeding and other symptoms similar to those of a period. However, they are not really the rule. Even a little bleeding can also occur at the end of pregnancy and serve as a sign that we are about to give birth. This blood mixes with mucus and is called a bloody show.