Calendula What is it and what are its properties, benefits and uses?

Calendula is a yellow-orange plant that is used, in addition to decorating gardens and parks, to treat topical lesions, protect against infections and as an ingredient in cosmetic products. Experts recommend limiting the use of this plant to topical applications, but in some of its traditional uses it is internally.

What is calendula?

Calendula is a well-known plant for gardening enthusiasts and can be found in parks and gardens. It can also be grown in pots and planters to be placed on balconies or windows. There are even those who use it to scare off insects. It is a very resistant plant, supports both drought and frost but needs a lot of sun to grow healthy and strong. But in addition to all these characteristics, calendula is a medicinal plant thanks to the active principles it contains. These components are very useful for the plant because it allows it to defend itself against predators, attract pollinating insects and facilitate the uptake of light and nutrients. For people these components have therapeutic qualities.

La caréndula es una planta medicinal

What is calendula for?

Antiseptic and healing

Calendula makes wounds, burns and ulcers heal faster by increasing the amount of blood flowing to injured parts of the body and producing more collagen, which is essential for skin to regenerate. It has also been proven effective on chapped hands and feet, psoriasis, skin irritations, scratches, eczema, dry lips, sores and acne, among others. Calendula also prevents scarring.

Take care of babies’ skin

A baby’s skin is very delicate and sensitive, but calendula, thanks to its emollient, soothing and softening properties, is perfect for them. This plant contains beta-carotene, phytosterols and salicylic acid, very useful to alleviate irritations that can occur on the baby’s skin , such as, for example, due to the friction of the diaper, which is very common in summer.


It is perfect for reducing pain and inflammatory processes by applying it topically to the skin. It has also been shown to be very effective in fighting inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) or tongue (glossitis).

Regulation of the menstrual cycle

One of the active ingredients in calendula is flavonoid, which is a repair of blood vessels and circulation. Thanks to this component it reduces the spasms that menstruation produces in women . It has also been shown to be a good fungicide , so it can be used in the event of vaginal yeast infections or other fungal diseases, such as athlete’s foot.

La caléndula tiene numerosos beneficios

Help with eyestrain

Today we are surrounded by screens. The computer, the mobile phone, the tablet and the television make the eyesight tired and the eyes redden. Calendula alleviates these symptoms and can even be a great ally to combat conjutivitis or eye inflammation because it has antibacterial and antiviral properties.

People with eyestrain are more prone to headaches and dizziness. With calendula you can also combat these symptoms.

Decreases intestinal problems

Calendula has choleretic effects that help with digestion . Drinking an infusion of calendula is perfect for people who suffer from gastritis, vomiting or indigestion, among other digestive problems.

Cleanses and hydrates the skin

Creams containing calendula are perfect to apply at night and remove traces of makeup. It has also been shown to hydrate the skin and cleanse it of all kinds of impurities, from small pimples to warts.

How to use calendula?

Calendula can be taken in cooking . After cooking a medicinal herb, a liquid is obtained that contains all the properties of the plant. This liquid, taken in moderation, can relieve headaches and dizziness. It is recommended not to take more than three tablespoons a day, although our advice is to consult with a medical professional first to find the appropriate amount.

Cómo utilizar la caléndula

It can also be taken as an herbal infusion that will help treat gastritis, ulcers, an intestinal problem or even internal conditions caused by inflammation. If ingested as a tincture, it can stabilize the menstrual cycle.

Although the above options are very interesting, the most common is to use calendula as a topical application remedy. The extracts of this plant are used to treat wounds, burns or any skin problem. The infusions, on the other hand, when they are cold can be used to clean the eye and thus calm and refresh it, even combat conjunctivitis.

Today you can also find cosmetics that contain calendula to protect the skin, cleanse it and hydrate it.


It is not advisable to consume calendula during pregnancy or lactation due to its regularizing effect on menstruation. It is also not recommended for people who may be allergic to it. In this case, simple contact with the plant can cause itchy skin, rashes, nasal congestion and irritation of the throat and eyes, among other symptoms.

A high dose of calendula can cause gastrointestinal problems. High doses or prolonged oral treatments should be avoided.

People who are taking any other medicine should ask a doctor whether or not they can take calendula.