Benefits of consuming protein supplements

There are a lot of myths about protein supplements , which can make people have problems deciding if they should include them in their diets.

Batidos de proteína

In other cases, people may take supplements out of a desire, or even an obsession, to gain ripped muscles or a remarkably toned figure in a short time. This is a mistake, as achieving these kinds of goals is not as simple as just adding protein supplements.

To get the most out of supplements you must know in depth what they are, what they are for and what are the effects they have on the body.

In the same way, it is important that before starting to consume them, the optimal amount to be consumed is defined. Also, since not all supplements are the same, it is also important to know what nutrients are contained in the supplements you select.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that the objective of supplements is to satisfy a nutritional deficit. Before determining which supplements are going to be consumed, it is necessary to identify the nutritional deficits that are to be satisfied.

What are protein supplements?

Protein supplements, also known as protein shakes, are a series of food products designed with the aim of complementing food in situations where for some reason the macronutrients necessary to achieve certain muscle toning or weight loss goals cannot be delivered to the body. Physical Health.

The situations where it is necessary to take protein shakes are very varied. For example, in some cases you may have a diet that is not balanced enough to promote the development of muscle mass. This is more likely to occur in people on vegan diets .

suplementos proteicos

However, it applies to any circumstance in which the food a person eats does not provide enough nutrients and supplements are presented as a good option to get the nutritional boost necessary to meet the objectives set.

Types of supplements

The different types of existing smoothies are adapted to personal tastes and lifestyles. Those of the “ Whey Protein” type are the most popular and are made up of whey . However, as noted below, there are other types of protein supplements that have emerged on the market due to the rise of veganism.

whey protein

It is probably the most consumed type in the world. They are available in a large number of flavors and have the advantage that they are quickly absorbed .

casein protein

They are not as popular as whey supplements, as casein protein has the disadvantage that its absorption period is much longer, as the release of amino acids could last up to seven hours .

However, in situations where many foods will not be consumed, they may be the best option due to their slow absorption.

egg protein

It is one of the most balanced options. Keep in mind that albumin from eggs is considered one of the best proteins both nutritionally and biologically, since it is very complete and healthy . It has a medium absorption speed.

meat protein

There is not much difference between meat proteins and whey proteins, so they are both highly effective. However, meat protein supplements have the added benefit that this source is lactose-free. Therefore, it is a great alternative to whey proteins for people who are lactose intolerant .

Vegetal protein

This is the type of protein that has boomed in recent years with the growth of the vegan movement. The vegetables from which the proteins for these supplements are extracted are varied, but in most cases they come from peas or soybeans .

What are the benefits of protein supplements?

Before mentioning the benefits of protein supplements, it is important to clarify that they are not magical products capable of offering a balanced diet on their own, but rather complementary products for a balanced diet .

Therefore, the consumption of supplements should never be excessive, since taking too many does not help improve results and can even cause adverse health effects.

suplementos de proteína

The more adjusted the consumption of protein shakes, the better results can be obtained . No more supplements should be consumed than necessary to meet dietary deficits.

To have a responsible consumption if you exercise regularly, it is recommended that you consume between 2 and 1.8 grams of protein for each kilo of weight. Consuming more than this recommendation increases the risk of muscle catabolism.

However, this recommendation does not apply to people who do not train frequently. Those who do not exercise regularly should consume 0.8 grams of protein for each kilo of weight .

If protein supplements are consumed in this way, it is possible to obtain the following benefits:

faster metabolism

Proteins have the ability to speed up metabolism. This can be especially beneficial for people trying to lose weight, as it increases the number of calories the body burns . Similarly, it is effective if you want to obtain greater muscle definition.

Promotes increased muscle mass

This is probably the most well-known benefit of protein supplements and the main reason why exercisers tend to take them. This benefit is a consequence of the fact that the nutritional contribution of the supplements gives the body some of the essential amino acids for muscle hypertrophy.

regulate appetite

As if it weren’t enough that they help you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism, protein supplements also have the added benefit of helping to regulate your appetite .

Therefore, this type of shake can be very useful for those who tend to eat between meals or have many cheat meals.

They are a good appetizer

Because they are food supplements for a balanced diet, one of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of protein shakes is in the form of snacks. Because they’re available in a wide variety of flavors and easy to prepare, they’re a great-tasting and convenient option.

They strengthen the immune system

Proteins are extremely important for a strong immune system. This translates into a lower risk of contracting certain illnesses such as colds . Also, for the same reason they can help recover in a shorter time when certain diseases occur.

They help reduce anxiety

Protein consumption helps reduce anxiety levels. This does not mean that supplements can be considered as a treatment for anxiety disorders, but it does mean that they can reduce the impact of this pathology in people who suffer from it.


  • Mengual, E., & Lizarzábal, M. Nutritional supplements: benefits versus risks.
  • Weaver Astudillo, CA, & Vazquez Herrera, MA (2021). Effects of the use of protein supplements in bodybuilders (Bachelor’s thesis, Universidad del Azuay).