Basic foods for a healthy diet that you should never miss

A healthy diet is always essential , especially if you suffer from health problems or any pathological disease. Therefore, it is important to consume some basic foods for a healthy diet, in this way you can reduce the risk of contracting diseases and you can also maintain an ideal weight.

Currently we find a wide variety of foods, however, on many occasions we find ourselves with doubts when choosing the most correct for our health and lifestyle. On these occasions, this wide variety of foods make you choose poorly, which leads you to overeat and not consume the necessary nutrients for a healthy diet .

For your next purchases it should be much easier to differentiate between really good and not so good foods, with the help of the following information:

Staples for a healthy diet

Healthy foods fall into three categories: protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables. A balanced combination of these three types of food provides the vitamins and nutrients necessary to cover your daily nutritional needs.

High protein foods

Proteins are the main component of cells, muscles and other tissues. They are present mainly in foods of animal origin, but at the same time they can be found in plant foods.


Fish is one of the foods richest in protein, even equal to or more than meat. At the same time, it is rich in vitamins A, vitamin D, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, and minerals. In addition, some varieties of fish are especially rich in Omega-3, fatty acids that are beneficial for health. It is undoubtedly one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods that people should consume on a diet.


Chicken is one of the most consumed foods in every household , being a food rich in protein and low in fat. It is very convenient for people who want to lose weight or, simply, for those who want to take care of their health and body, such as athletes. It should be noted that this is one of the main recommended foods for consumption in a healthy diet.


Eggs are also considered one of the foods richest in protein , because they have a high vitamin and mineral value. In short, the egg is a food that has all the nutrients that the human body needs. Some of its benefits are: they provide vitamins A and D, reduce the risk of diseases, provide unsaturated fats and even help avoid excess weight.



Carbohydrates along with fats and proteins are one of the macronutrients in our diet. The main function of carbohydrates is to provide energy to the body, so it is essential to consume a diet rich in foods that contain these characteristics, but at the same time it is recommended to consume them in a limited way, since in excess it is not good for health.


Quinoa is a high fiber cereal, but at the same time it is considered a food rich in vegetable protein. It is especially used by people who do not eat meat, being an alternative source of protein. Quinoa has a very low sugar index, which makes people feel full longer after eating it.


Oats are one of the cereals that contain the most protein. It is rich in phosphorus, iron, and has many essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy diet . It is one of the most recommended foods to consume during breakfast, since it provides high levels of energy for a longer time.

Integral rice

Brown rice is a much healthier alternative to white rice, because it contains good levels of vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, white rice is a refined version of brown rice, but throughout the refining process it has lost all its nutritional benefits. Brown rice is a food rich in potassium, calcium, protein and fiber, in addition, it has a low glycemic level, which is why it is recommended for people with diabetes.

alimentos básicos para una dieta saludable


Green vegetables provide magnesium and potassium, which are very important in muscle function . In addition, magnesium is a fundamental component in the transfer and release of energy. Consuming these foods has many advantages, especially for those who do sports or want to maintain good health.


Spinach is a vegetable rich in calcium, vitamin, iron and antioxidants. They are highly recommended in meat-free or dairy-free diets , due to their high iron and calcium content. Just one cup of raw spinach has about 7 calories. They also provide vitamin K which is very important for bones and calcium absorption.


Broccoli is a very important food during a healthy and nutritious diet . A cup of broccoli contains 55 calories, twice the amount of vitamin C recommended for daily consumption and to cover all the daily needs of vitamin K.


It has always been advisable to take beet juice, because it is a vegetable that helps control blood pressure and cardiovascular health . Also, it is very good for people with diabetes, because they have an antioxidant called alpha lipoic acid, useful for nervous problems related to this disease.

verduras: alimentos básicos para una dieta saludable

Are Fruits Staples for a Healthy Diet?

The answer is emphatically yes. Fruits are a very essential type of food during a healthy diet . They provide us with water, vitamins, minerals, fibers and many beneficial compounds for health in general. The high content of antioxidants prevents premature aging of cells, which helps to have a better quality of life.


Among all tropical fruits, pineapple is one of the most nutrient-dense. One cup of pineapple provides 131% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. It also has bromelain, a blend of enzymes known for its anti-inflammatory properties.


The avocado is a different food from the rest of the fruits. Most of them are high in carbohydrates, while avocado is low in carbohydrates, but it is mainly made up of healthy fats . In addition, it contains potassium, fiber and magnesium, perfect to include them in a healthy meal.


Apples are one of the best known fruits and, at the same time, one of the most nutritious. They contain vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and a high amount of fiber . One of the best benefits of the apple is that it contains pectin, a prebiotic fiber that helps improve digestion and metabolic health.

frutas, uno de los alimentos básicos para una dieta saludable

Other basic foods for a healthy diet that you should include in your purchases

In addition to all the foods mentioned above, you will find a list of some basic foods for a healthy diet , which can be very helpful when preparing different nutritious and balanced recipes. They cannot be overlooked, much less can they be missing in your home:

  • Turkey.
  • Pork (lean cut).
  • Veal (cut for stew).
  • Cooked ham.
  • Wheat pasta.
  • Lentils.
  • Raw walnuts.
  • Raw almonds
  • Garbanzo beans.
  • Milk.
  • Green Tea.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Potatoes.
  • Salmon.
  • Squid
  • Natural yogurt.
  • Curd.
  • Whole wheat flour.
  • Wholemeal bread.
  • Dark chocolate.