Are there benefits in magnesium sulfate baths?

In intense training, there are three basic components to your success: fueling, training, and recovery. From here a thousand doubts and questions begin to arise: what foods help to perform better? How can I optimize recovery? How can I balance training routines?

When we want to recover properly, some experts recommend taking magnesium sulfate baths. They are thought to reduce muscle pain, inflammation, and swelling. But, are those benefits real or are we facing a popular belief?

baño de sulfato de magnesio

Why do people recommend magnesium sulfate baths?

There are people who call it "Epsom salt baths," but they basically refer to magnesium and sulfate baths. Magnesium has been shown to increase relaxation, decrease inflammation, and aid in muscle and nerve function. In addition, sulfate also helps with recovery and detoxification.

A magnesium deficit is known to be linked to muscle cramps and pain. So by exposing the skin to these salts (both in bath and cream), it seems that magnesium values increase and muscle pain is reduced.

What does science think?

Should we have real hope? Although magnesium sulfate has almost always been used intravenously to treat muscle spasms and tetanus, the million dollar question for athletes is: Can the active ingredients of magnesium sulfate penetrate slapiel and aid muscle recovery?

The answer we can say is: mmmmmm. A study of magnesium shows that hair follicles can help magnesium penetrate the skin. Another small study found a slight increase in magnesium levels when people applied a cream to the element.
But when scientists thoroughly reviewed whether it is as significant as it sounds, they found no evidence. More research is still needed to have a solid answer.

What are the benefits of magnesium sulfate baths?

Still, magnesium sulfate baths have potential benefits, and it's a low-risk therapy you can do whenever you want. The first thing you should do is soak your feet in an Epsom salt bath to help calm the blisters. Magnesium helps reduce inflammation of the skin's endothelial layer, so it can help heal blisters.

Obviously, the most important thing about this therapy is that it helps you relax to improve recovery. Even if there is no scientific evidence, if a bath (with or without salt) relaxes you after an intense workout, you will be helping to speed recovery . This is because cortisol promotes muscle breakdown, and occurs when you are relaxed.

You must take into account that the Epsom salts do not dissolve in cold water (the water should be around 54ºC). You can get them, at a very affordable price on Amazon.