Are senna leaves laxative?

Senna leaves have been used as a popular herbal remedy, often marketed as a laxative, weight loss aid, and detoxification method. But what is it really?

Despite its popularity, there is little scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of senna leaves for most of these uses, aside from treating constipation. Even so, it is advisable to know the benefits and safety of this plant.

What is?

Senna or Sen is an herbal medicine made from the leaves, flowers, and fruits of a large group of flowering plants in the legume family. Extracts and teas made from senna plants have long been used as laxatives and stimulants in traditional herbal medicine.

It is native to Egypt, although senna is now grown all over the world, including countries like India and Somalia. Most commercial products are derived from Cassia acutifolia or Cassia angustifolio, commonly known as Alexandrian and Indian senna, respectively. Today, senna is most often sold as a tea or supplement for constipation, but it is also occasionally used in weight-loss pills and drinks.

The most common application is as a tea to stimulate bowel movements and relieve constipation. The main active compounds in senna leaves are known as senna glycosides or sennosides . Sennosides cannot be absorbed in the digestive tract, but they can be broken down by intestinal bacteria. This breakdown of sennosides mildly irritates colon cells, an effect that stimulates bowel movement and produces a laxative effect.

Senna is an active ingredient in many popular over-the-counter laxative medications. For most people, it will stimulate a bowel movement within 6 to 12 hours. Due to its laxative effects, some people use senna tea to prepare for colonoscopies. Some people may also use senna tea to relieve discomfort associated with hemorrhoids .

Recommended dose

A typical dose of a senna leaf supplement is 15 to 30 mg per day for no more than a week. However, there is no clear dosage recommendation for senna tea. It is considerably more difficult to determine an accurate dosage because the concentration of sennosides varies dramatically depending on how long the tea is steeped.

Also, many commercial senna teas, especially those containing a blend of herbs, do not list the exact amount of senna leaves used. In this case, the safest thing is to follow the instructions on the package for its preparation and consumption. We should never take more than indicated on the label.

hojas de sen

Is it used to lose weight?

Senna leaves are increasingly being included in herbal teas and supplements that claim to boost metabolism and promote weight loss. These products are often referred to as “slimming teas” or “teatox”.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support the use of senna tea for any detoxification, cleansing, or weight loss routine. In fact, using senna tea in this way can be very dangerous. Senna is not recommended for frequent or long-term use, as it can disrupt the normal function of intestinal tissue and cause laxative dependence .

Additionally, a recent study of more than 10,000 women found that those who used laxatives for weight loss were six times more likely to develop an eating disorder .

If we are trying to lose weight, diet and lifestyle modifications are the best option, not supplements or laxatives.


Many studies have tested the effects of senna leaves in powder or capsule form. However, there are few studies that have looked at the potential health benefits of drinking senna tea. Most research studies on the health benefits of senna focus on its potential use in the treatment of constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.

improves constipation

Senna tea is most commonly used for occasional constipation. Researchers have discovered that the active compounds in senna have a strong laxative effect. They work by irritating the lining of the colon. This promotes colon contractions and bowel movements.

Senna leaves also prevent the colon from reabsorbing water and electrolytes. This increases the amount of fluid in the intestines and softens the stool. However, a large research review did not recommend senna as the first course of action to treat constipation. It seems that the effective dose may vary depending on the product and the preparation. And not enough is known about whether long-term use is safe and effective.

Colonoscopy preparation

Senna has been used along with other agents to cleanse the colon before a colonoscopy. This is a widely used medical procedure to screen for colon cancer. Some evidence supports this use of senna, although much of it dates back to the 1980s and 1990s.

Taking senna leaves orally is as effective as castor oil and bisocodyl for bowel cleansing. Some evidence suggests that senna is also at least as effective as polyethylene glycol for bowel preparation. However, there is conflicting evidence. It is not clear if taking senna with polyethylene glycol is more effective than taking polyethylene glycol alone.

té con hojas de sen


Side effects are generally mild and limited when senna leaves are used for short-term treatment of constipation. The most common side effects of senna tea use are upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.

In some cases, senna tea can be used for a longer period of time when a person is under the care of a health care provider. That said, people who want to try senna should be aware of concerns about its use.

It is possible that you can become habit-forming with long-term use. The body can become dependent on it and no longer be able to produce a bowel movement without it. Long-term use of senna tea, as well as higher doses, have been linked to serious health problems. They include liver damage, electrolyte disturbances, and changes in heart rhythms.

In addition, it is recommended not to consume senna leaves if we have Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, appendicitis, diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal pain, or allergy to senna. If we have any type of heart, liver or kidney condition, we will make sure to talk to a doctor

Also, if we are pregnant or breastfeeding, we will consult a doctor before using senna tea. Limited research has suggested that senna use does not lead to a higher rate of birth defects, but more studies are needed to know for sure. Additionally, senna may interact with certain medications and supplements. Taking senna with diuretics, for example, can cause potassium levels in the body to drop too low.

How to drink?

Senna tea is widely available in health food stores, vitamin stores, and online. There is no standardized dose. When researchers have studied it for the treatment of general constipation, the usual dose is 17.2 milligrams (mg) per day. In older adults, 17 mg daily has been used. For constipation after pregnancy, 28 mg in divided doses has been used.

However, with senna, it can be difficult to know what dose you are getting in a cup of tea and how it will affect us. Many tea vendors list the use of a “proprietary blend” on product labels. They do not list the amount of each herb in the tea, so there is no way of knowing how much senna is in it.

It would still be difficult to know the exact dosage found in a cup of tea, even if you know the amount of senna in a product. The soaking time and temperature of the water can change the amount of senna that is released into the brew.

If we want to try senna tea, we must bear in mind that it begins to work within six to twelve hours after taking it . It is usually taken before going to sleep. This implies that we feel the need to defecate in the morning.