Are prawns a healthy seafood?

Prawns are one of the most widely consumed types of seafood. It is very nutritious and provides large amounts of nutrients that are not abundant in many other foods, such as iodine.

However, some people claim that shrimp are unhealthy due to their high cholesterol content. Additionally, it is believed that farmed shrimp may have some negative health effects compared to wild caught shrimp. What is true in all this?

Nutritional value

Prawns have a pretty good nutritional profile. They are very low in calories, provide only 84 calories in an 85 gram serving, and contain no carbohydrates. About 90% of the calories in shrimp come from protein and the rest from healthy fats. Plus, the same serving size provides more than 20 different vitamins and minerals, including 50% of your daily selenium needs.

In a normal portion, of about 85 grams of prawns, we obtain:

  • Energy: 84 calories
  • Protein: 18 grams
  • Selenium: 48% of the recommended daily amount
  • Vitamin B12: 21%
  • Iron: 15%
  • Phosphorus: 12%
  • Niacin: 11%
  • Zinc: 9%
  • Magnesium: 7%

This shellfish is also one of the best food sources of iodine , an important mineral that many people are deficient in. Iodine is necessary for proper thyroid function and brain health. They are also a good source of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as astaxanthin antioxidants, which can have a variety of health benefits.

Types of prawns for culinary use

In Spain we mostly consume white and red shrimp, although it is common to find other types in the frozen sections of supermarkets.


These types of prawns are very common in seafood dishes. As their name suggests, they are generally pink when raw, although some can be white and gray as well.

These prawns are relatively smaller in size and are also called great for salads because they are widely used to add mild, sweet flavors to salads or fresh dishes. They are even highly recommended for dressings and dishes aimed at weight loss or maintenance.


These have a firm texture, a brownish-red rind, and come in a variety of flavors that can range from slightly sweet to salty to iodine-like.

They turn pink when cooked and have a unique taste compared to other edible prawns. Chefs prefer to steam or boil brown prawns without too much seasoning to enjoy the natural flavor they have.


At about eight inches long, white prawns have a firm texture and therefore offer a wide variety of cooking options to chefs.

For example, they can be consumed after boiling, steaming, stuffing, grilling, baking, or even frying. We can find them from various parts of the world, although in Spain we can find them in the Atlantic areas of the country. They are a good favorite for many chefs due to their classic taste, firm texture, sweet taste, and ease of cleaning.


Native to the waters of the Asian and African continents, tiger prawns are also available in both fish farms and wild varieties. They are easy to identify from the tiger stripes on the body and are famous for their mild flavor along with a firm texture.

They are a preferred choice for first-time shrimp cookers. They can grow to giant sizes 12 inches long and are great for steaming, grilling, or eating in various other ways.

plato de arroz negro con gambas

Advantages of eating prawns

Because they are low in carbohydrates and calories and packed with nutrients, they are an ideal option if we are trying to lose a few pounds. But you have to be careful with the way you cook it. If we prepare prawns in a deep fryer or add them to a creamy sauce, we will end up tipping the scales in the wrong direction.

They contain antioxidants

The main type of antioxidant in shrimp is a carotenoid called astaxanthin. This is a component of the algae that prawns consume. For this reason, they are an important source. In fact, this antioxidant is responsible for the reddish color of your cells.

When we consume astaxanthin, we can help protect against inflammation by preventing free radicals from damaging cells. It has been studied for its role in reducing the risk of several chronic diseases. There are also studies that have found that astaxanthin can help strengthen the arteries, which can reduce the risk of heart attacks. It can even help increase levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, an important factor in heart health.

In addition, it can be beneficial for brain health. The anti-inflammatory properties can prevent damage to brain cells that often leads to memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.

Promotes weight loss

Prawns can be a great source of protein and vitamin D, without adding carbohydrates to your daily intake. So people determined to lose weight can benefit from this seafood. Possibly high levels of zinc are also beneficial, as zinc is a form that can increase leptin levels in the body. Leptin is a hormone and is an integral part of the body’s regulation of fat storage, appetite, and overall energy use in the body. By increasing levels of leptin in the body, people can avoid common problems like overeating and unexplained food cravings after being satiated.

It also has high levels of iodine, which can help control how much energy is expended when the body is at rest. It can also interact with the thyroid gland to speed up the activity of the thyroid, helping people lose weight, or at least prevent an extra gain.

Improve brain health

Prawns have high levels of iron, which is a fundamental mineral component in the process of binding with oxygen in hemoglobin. With additional iron in the system, increased oxygen flow to the muscles can occur, providing strength and endurance, while increasing oxygen flow to the brain.

Studies suggest that the astaxanthin found in shrimp may help improve memory performance, brain cell survival, and reduce the risk of inflammatory brain diseases.

Are they high in cholesterol?

The main cause of shrimp restriction is its high cholesterol content. In 85 grams we find 166 mg of cholesterol. That is almost 85% more than the amount of cholesterol in other types of fish, such as tuna. Many people fear consuming foods that are high in cholesterol, believing that they increase blood cholesterol and therefore promote heart disease.

However, science shows that this may not be the case for most people, as only a quarter of the population is sensitive to dietary cholesterol. Otherwise, dietary cholesterol can only have a small impact on blood cholesterol levels.

In addition, shrimp contain several nutrients that can improve health, such as Omega-3 fatty acids and the antioxidants astaxanthin. Research has also shown that people who consume shrimp regularly do not have an increased risk of heart disease compared to those who do not eat them.

Although more research is needed to explore the role of shrimp in heart health, it does have a variety of beneficial properties that may exceed cholesterol content.

gambas en una ensalada

Why are people allergic to prawns?

Shellfish, including prawns, are ranked as one of the top eight food allergies , along with fish, peanuts, wheat, milk, and soybeans. The most common trigger for shrimp allergies is tropomyosin, a protein found in shellfish. Other proteins that can trigger an allergic reaction are arginine kinase and hemocyanin.

Symptoms of shrimp allergies vary and can include tingling in the mouth, digestive problems, nasal congestion, or skin reactions after eating them. Some people with allergies to this shellfish can also have anaphylactic reactions. This is a sudden, dangerous reaction that can lead to seizures, loss of consciousness, and even death if not treated right away.

In some cases, even the vapors from cooking prawns can trigger a reaction. Therefore, people with an allergy to this animal should also avoid situations where they can indirectly come into contact with it.

How to choose high-quality prawns

It is important to choose good quality fresh prawns that are not damaged, infected or contaminated. When we buy raw prawns, we must make sure that they are firm. The peel should be translucent and grayish-green, tan pink, or light pink. Blackened edges or black spots on the shells can indicate loss of quality.

Also, raw and cooked prawns should have a mild odor, similar to that of the ocean or salty sea. Overwhelming “fishy” or ammonia-like odor is likely to spoil and not be safe to consume. We must also make sure that the cooked ones are firm in texture and white with a slight red or pink tint.

In addition, it is important to purchase shrimp from a quality and reputable fishmonger that can answer questions about the country of origin and shrimp handling practices.