Are frozen foods healthy?

The daily rush ends up limiting the hours spent in the kitchen for the preparation of a really nutritious menu , and many times precooked foods and even fast food end up being the salvation for those who really do not have time to prepare a meal of quality. Another very useful option is to pull from the freezer, but then a question arises: Are frozen foods healthy? In this article we are going to find out

Frozen food, a quick solution

The truth is that you can not live eating only foods with excess sodium and preservatives and that is why many people have opted for the famous and healthy frozen foods.

Frozen foods have been present in our diet since refrigeration systems began to be used as a method of food preservation. And the truth is that they are a very useful and practical solution since there are few systems capable of extending both the life of the products and the freezing that are so healthy.

Countless companies have set out to offer nutritious, tasty and practical food. Many of them even put together packages to satisfy the most different food profiles, such as vegetarians, vegans and even with a reduced number of calories for those who want to lose weight.

Frozen foods are healthy (at least more so than other preserves)

Other systems such as canned preserves (either in brine or in oil) are also valid for storing food for long periods, but we can say that frozen food is healthier than canned food because the use of salt and oil increases the fat and sodium content, which can be harmful if consumed too frequently.

descubre si los alimentos congelados son saludables

Furthermore, no preservation system offers as much versatility as frozen foods, since practically everything can be frozen : meat, rice, stews, fruits, pizzas … Except for potatoes, milk or eggs, everything is freezable (and can be enjoyed later )

6 myths and truths about whether frozen foods are healthy or not

1. Do frozen foods lose nutritional value?

Myth. As long as they are frozen by following the correct preparation techniques for each food, it is possible to preserve the texture and nutrients of most foods.

2. Can all food be frozen?

Myth: Some foods, like potatoes and lettuce, do not have a pleasant texture and taste after thawing . Therefore, freezing is not recommended in these cases.

3. Does the way food is prepared interfere with its nutritional value?

Truth. The nutritional value depends much more on the preparation technique than on the freezing itself. If food has been cooked at high temperatures, it will lose vitamins that are sensitive to heat . If it has been cooked in water, it will lose its water soluble nutrients. It is better to steam or bake at a low temperature to preserve the properties .

4. Are plastic containers and defrosting food in the microwave a problem?

Myth . If the packaging is microwave-safe, no problem. It is very important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Some preparations become tastier when thawed overnight in the refrigerator, but never at room temperature.

As for homemade tuppers, it is best to defrost the day before in the refrigerator and reheat on a plate .

5. Is it possible to maintain a balanced diet with frozen foods?

Truth. You can have a perfectly healthy diet by eating only frozen foods, but these must be varied and healthy in themselves: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits . If you add pizzas, nuggets or chips to the equation, you obviously won't be able to eat a healthy diet.

6. After defrosting, shouldn't the food be re-frozen?

Truth. Food that has already been frozen should not be defrosted and refrozen, since in the defrosting process the food surfaces end up defrosting unevenly to their geometric center, which increases the risk of contamination by bacteria .