Squat sumo: how to do this exercise correctly and its benefits

The universe of squats is very wide and varied. So much so that it is almost impossible to get tired or bored of them for longer than you have been training and exercising. One of the lesser known squat modalities is the sumo squat or sumo squat . This type of squat allows us to work motor areas that are not usually exercised in classic squats. In fact, it is very likely that in the first sessions you will not feel comfortable with them, but with practice and the results, they will surely convince you. How to perform sumo squat correctly? What are the benefits of doing sumo squats? Let’s see it.

What do sumo squats bring to your training?

Barbell squats, goblets, pistol squats … the universe of squats seems infinite. Why is it interesting to introduce sumo squats or squat sumo in the training routine? Think that in this squat modality what we are going to work mainly is the internal area of the leg , explicitly prioritizing the abductors and hamstrings . In this way, while you tone your buttocks, you are strengthening the entire motor apparatus of the abdominal area. And more specifically the abductor magnus, middle and minor, as well as the pectineus and the internal rectus.

por qué hacer sentadillas sumo

Benefits of doing sumo squat that will convince you

Haven’t we convinced you to incorporate sumo squats into your training routine? Read carefully the benefits of these sumo-style squats.

Sumo squats improve your muscle strength

Squats all have in common that they help strengthen the muscles of the legs. And the deeper the squat, the more work is done and the more muscles are involved . Sumo have the quality, due to the depth they require, that they work the glutes, the hamstrings and all the thigh muscles at the same time.

Also, keep in mind that once you have mastered the technique of sumo squats like a pro , you can add either a barbell or dumbbells and even kettlebells to increase the effort and challenge for the muscles.

You burn calories and fat

This benefit is common to all squat modalities, but it is no less interesting for that. Surely, among the training objectives is to control your weight and especially the presence of fat in the muscles . By introducing sumo squats you will build more muscle , which will replace the fat you burn. Keep in mind that squats are a good exercise to do repetitions so the training circuit will be more intensive in terms of results, in addition to being varied.

beneficios de la sentadilla sumo

Especially if you are diabetic , since the movement of squats intensify the burning of excess glucose, so it will collaterally help control diabetes.

Improves circulation

If you have circulation problems, sumo squats will not be the panacea – running or cycling is more advisable in this sense – but it will help open the blood vessels and the benefit of another type of cardio activity is increased. What sumo squats do provide you is in strengthening the heart muscle, making the resting heart rate lower , eliminating bad cholesterol more effectively and lowering blood pressure.

With this exercise you will notice that the moments in which you feel numb lower extremities are reduced and even the tingling sensation that occurs when blood circulation is bad.

More flexibility, better posture, fewer injuries

Indeed, by introducing other muscle groups into the squat equation, general flexibility is intensified, in addition to deepening an improvement in posture (which is common to all squats, since this is key to avoiding damage and injury to the run them). More active and strong muscles, together with a better posture prepares our body to avoid injury .

It is a low impact exercise

Unlike running for our joints, with sumo squats the articulation of the knees and ankles is exercised without the need for impact pressure , allowing us, in turn, to focus more on joint movement. Thus, although exercise has a great demand for these areas, its impact is less since the adjacent muscles are more involved.

cómo hacer squat sumo

How to properly do a sumo squat

To do a sumo squat or sumo squat, you have to place your feet farther apart than in traditional squats. You can take the distance between your shoulders as a reference and separate them somewhat more than what this marks.

The posture of the feet is also important so that the entire muscle group articulates without risk of injury. They will have to be open forming an angle of 45º with our own body, and the leg will follow the direction that marks the posture of the foot. Failure to monitor this point runs the risk of forcing a knee collapse.

During the descent, keep your abdomen tight and never lean your torso or curve your back. The body should go straight down while flexing the legs. When the thigh is completely parallel to the ground, we return to the starting position.

The most important thing is to focus the effort on the muscles . Feel how they stretch and contract in each phase. When you get to do the exercise almost mechanically, you can think about adding weight or increasing the repetitions. Here is a video that shows you how to do sumo squat to perfection.