How to relieve mosquito bites?

Most of us like to feel the warm temperatures (although without going to the extreme, as happens in Andalusia) to be able to put on lighter clothes and feel the injection of Vitamin D. The positive part is that the appearance of mosquitoes and insects that they have no condescension with your skin. There is a possibility that you will detect it in time and finish it, but in most cases it is totally impossible. Could there be something more reluctant than hearing the buzz near your ear?

Mosquitoes "attack" us because they need to feed and, as part of their feeding process, they introduce saliva into the wound. This saliva contains proteins that prevent the blood vessels from clotting, so the mosquito will be able to draw blood quickly and efficiently. When it's done, traces of saliva remain on the skin, and your immune system detects it as a threat. It immediately attacks it with histamine and therefore the itching sensation occurs.


The best way to avoid being bitten is to stay at home, with mosquito nets or daub yourself with repellent. But since it is not a logical option, we teach you some homemade tricks that do work.

5 remedies to improve a sting

If you do not want to spend several days with discomfort or scratching as if you had scabies, there are home remedies that can help alleviate the effects of bites. Take good note!

aloe vera

Aloe Vera is great for any skin problem we have. It has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces redness in the area and hydrates. However, itching can take several days to go away.


Not the one who drinks, but the one with the wounds. Clean the part of the bite with some alcohol-soaked towelette. It works against itching and against the immune system's response to histamine. It has a calming and refreshing effect.


Apply ice (or a bag of frozen peas) to reduce inflammation and provide momentary relief. Unfortunately it is not a remedy that neutralizes the effects of saliva rectums, so when you remove the ice it will sting you again. It can be a good option if you are desperate and want a few minutes of peace. It will neutralize debris left behind by the insect, so discomfort will likely return as soon as you stop wearing it.

Honey with salt

Honey is a natural food that contains antibiotic properties that can be used to protect the skin from infections caused by mosquitoes. It hydrates the skin and protects it from inflammations and allergies. Make a mixture of honey with salt and rub it over the sting area. Let it act for 5-10 minutes and rinse it off.

Onion with oil

Although it may seem a strange mixture, making a paste with these two foods can reduce the inflammation and itching caused by these types of bites. The onion is full of substances with antibiotic properties that prevent infections and allergic reactions.
Take a slice and mash it with oil. Apply the mixture on the bite and let it act for 15 minutes.