Facial gymnastics to improve the appearance of your face

When we think of the term "gymnastics", we imagine ourselves exercising the large muscles of our body. However, a face exercise routine can help us prevent aging, tone the skin and prevent sagging . If you still do not know how to practice facial gymnastics, we propose a 4-exercise routine.

Facial gymnastics to improve the appearance of the face

Exercises to tone facial skin are very effective. However, they must be part of a daily routine that includes a good diet, and interior and exterior hydration. Choosing the right products, as little aggressive as possible, is very important to help your skin look healthier. Also, doing the following exercises daily, at night, for example, will make a difference.

4 Facial gymnastic exercises

Mouth contour

This area is very sensitive to the appearance of wrinkles and expression marks. It is impossible to stay throughout the years without the evidence of age. Little wrinkles are a symbol that we have lived. However, we wouldn't mind concealing them naturally, would we?

To do this, open your mouth in a very exaggerated way . Hold on and close it. Repeat 8 times and rest. You must exert tension when opening your mouth, without actually hurting yourself, of course. Once you have finished, using the same exaggeration technique, recite the five vowels for a long time "aaa-eee-iii-ooo-uuu" . Repeat again 8 times .

rostro mujer


The forehead is the area where expression lines usually appear most easily, and at an early stage. To minimize their appearance, use the palms of your hands, or your fingers. Press at the midpoint of your forehead, and "drag the wrinkles" to the outside . Do this move 8 times, without haste.


To avoid the flaccidity of this area, there is a very simple and effective exercise that you can perform daily, within your facial gym routine. It consists of inflating the cheeks as if you were a balloon about to burst. Hold on for a few seconds and relax. Repeat 8 times .

Eye contour

To minimize wrinkles around the eyes, the famous crow's feet, you can do the following exercise. In addition, it will strengthen droopy eyelids and improve the expression of your gaze.

Place your index fingers over the center of each eyebrow. Next, place your thumbs under your eyes, at the top of your cheeks. Once you're ready, press down with your index fingers and thumbs down, as if you want to open your eyes wider. Hold on for a few seconds and relax. Do 8 simple repetitions and 8 more, trying to blink while holding the opening with your fingers.