Bulk Powders Keto Shake: the ideal supplement for ketogenic diets

The life of bodybuilders on a keto diet has become much easier, thanks to Bulk Powders. Their new Keto Shake Complete Pack is a protein blend specifically designed for high-fat, high-protein, and low-carbohydrate diets that may otherwise be very difficult to adhere to.

Many people don't realize how difficult it is to follow a proper keto diet when trying to get fit. For many, a keto diet means increasing fat intake and slightly reducing carbohydrate levels. Actually, the ratio of macronutrients in a standard keto diet should be approximately 75% fat, 20% protein, and only 5% carbohydrates.

You may think, "Nothing's wrong, I'll just eat fewer fries." Consider the following: 5% carbohydrates in an average daily intake of 2400 calories is 120 calories. That's the same amount of calories in a medium banana. To keep carbohydrates low, you must be very specific about what you eat.

bulk powders keto shake

The situation is even more serious if you are exercising. An athlete's diet consists primarily of protein and carbohydrates with some added healthy fats. Eliminating all carbs and replacing calories with good fats is a challenge, to say the least.

However, each 50-gram serving of Bulk Powders Complete Keto Shake contains 21.9 grams of protein and 10.6 grams of fat. And not just any fat, 9 of those 10.6 grams are medium chain triglycerides. Interestingly, there is no specifically listed carbohydrate volume, although it is stated that there is ' less than 1g of sugar per serving ', and the shake is also described as ' high in fiber '.

Why you should try Keto Shake Powders

Bulk Powders' Complete Keto Shake is the UK's first high fat and high carbohydrate keto shake. In addition to being high in protein and fat, this protein shake is also low in sugar and contains less than one gram per serving.

In fact, medium-chain triglycerides can increase exercise performance, decrease body fat, and increase lean muscle mass , if you follow a proper keto diet.

In addition to all of this, the product is also high in fiber and uses Pure Whey Protein from Bulk Powders, a staple of the shaker that we are all familiar with. The flavors are as varied as you might expect from Bulk Powders – choose between vanilla ice cream or coconut cream . All keto fans will appreciate the sweet and healthy treatment in their heavy diet of avocado seeds and nuts.

Get him on his official website for € 38.99 .