9 safe and easy exercises to do during pregnancy

Preparing for the big day not only requires having everything ready for the baby's arrival. It is also important that you prepare yourself physically and mentally, especially because during pregnancy your body undergoes great changes. And not only that, you must also physically condition yourself for delivery and to have a recovery as fast and comfortable as possible. In this article we present a series of exercises to do during pregnancy and be ready when the big day arrives.

Exercises to do during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the happiest stages in a woman's life. During this period of great changes in which you prepare the baby's room, choose the name, buy the clothes and fill yourself with advice, it is also important that you exercise to facilitate delivery and recovery, so you will not have to worry about anything other than take care of your newborn.

Why exercise during pregnancy?

Unless you have a high-risk pregnancy and must stay in bed, you should exercise not only to prepare for delivery but to alleviate some symptoms that can be very bothersome. For example, exercising helps reduce the obnoxious back pain, constipation and bloating. In addition, once the baby has arrived, it is possible that you will regain your figure soon if during pregnancy you took good care of your diet and exercised.

Another reason to get active during those months is to improve your mood and energy. It is very important that you prepare yourself psychologically for the great change that is going to enter your life. By exercising you will be able to be relaxed, calm and, in addition, you will be able to sleep better.

Remember, before making the decision to exercise, consult your doctor to make sure that both you and the baby are in perfect health.

El cardio es uno de los mejores ejercicios para las embarazadas

What are the types of exercises to do during pregnancy?

Not all exercises are good during pregnancy. There are some that you will have to avoid completely, such as contact sports, those in which you can fall or, for example, "extreme" aquatic sports such as diving or surfing. You will also have to deprive yourself of very intense boxing, kickboxing, yoga, and Pilates.

If you used to exercise frequently before pregnancy, then you can continue training at the same level you had prior to your state. If you are new to exercising or have not done it for a long time, no problem, you can start with routines of 15 minutes a day and gradually increase the intensity until you reach 30 minutes, the recommended time as "enough" for physical activity daily.

Guide to the best exercises to do during pregnancy


This activity is extremely easy and you can start here if you are not in physical condition. You can increase the pace of your steps as the weeks and months go by. Start with about 15 minutes a day until you get used to it and don't just go up the pace but the minutes.

If you are a runner, you can continue doing your usual route. But remember to be careful not to fall and hurt yourself. It is recommended that, even if you are an experienced runner , you do not exercise too much as it could damage your joints or muscles.Remember that now you carry extra weight! Another way to practice this cardio exercise is in the gym, so you don't lose your routine!


Swimming is one of the most complete sports and, if you are pregnant, it can be your great ally. It is very simple, by coming into contact with water you can alleviate symptoms such as swollen feet or dizziness. You have to bear in mind that you cannot "jump" into the pool and dive because you could cause harm to the baby, whose lungs are not prepared for that stress. You should also be very careful not to slip in the areas near the pool that could cause you to fall.

Swimming, if you are not in shape and practiced this sport before pregnancy, is recommended until the second trimester, as it requires a little strength.

La natación, uno de los ejercicios para hacer durante el embarazo


These aquatic exercises and fashionable among pregnant women are very easy and safe to do. Try to sign up for a class with an instructor to guide you through the routines. For these exercises, it is essential that you can stand and that the water reaches approximately chest level.

In these types of routines you can do squats or move in different ways through the water. Remember that in the pool our weight drops, so we can do these routines more easily. We suggest a video so you can get some ideas.

Squats with fitball

Squats are great to practice at home if you don't have time to go for a walk or sign up for another activity. During pregnancy they not only tone the legs but also help you with the opening of the pelvis, essential during childbirth.

We present a modality: with "fitball" and against the wall. You must separate the legs, align the body and descend slowly. The ball should slide up your back as you go down.

Sumo squats

A variation on traditional squats are sumo squats . Standing, spread your legs so that the tips of your feet protrude considerably from the shoulders. Bring your hands to your chest and go up and down, as if you were sitting, imitating the posture of sumo wrestlers. Don't forget to bring your torso forward slightly. Do 30 seconds of these exercises.

Sentadillas de sumo, fáciles y seguras

Reverse lunge

Stand with your feet slightly apart. Take one foot back until your knee almost touches the ground and the front one flexes to a 90 angle . Place the hands linked in front of the chest or, you can bring them to the waist. You can do it alternating between one leg and the other, or do a series of repetitions with one foot and then the other. Depending on your fitness level, add some small dumbbells to this exercise.

Zancada invertida una alternativa durante el embarazo
Pregnant woman in a gym. Girls diong exsercises. Woman use dumbbells.

Standing side crunches

This perfectly safe exercise can be a bit difficult if you don't have much balance. Take it easy. Standing, spread your legs slightly. Bring your bent arms up to shoulder height, as if you were some kind of robot. Raise your right leg, bending the knee, towards your right side and slightly incline your abdomen, as if you were doing a side crunch. After one set, continue with your left leg.

Glute kick

Among the best exercises to do in pregnancy we have the traditional glute kick. Get on the floor, on all fours. Hands under the shoulders and throw one leg back. We recommend doing it gently. The leg that you send into the air slightly bent when you lift it and, when returning it to the starting position, do not rest it on the ground, but continue to rise and fall. Do it again with the other leg.

La patada de glúteo será tu mejor aliada en estos meses


A modified exercise for pregnant women. Get into the traditional push-up position but bend your knees so that your knees remain flat on the ground and support you as you go up and down as well as your hands.


Yoga is an ideal exercise for pregnancy. Not only do you get physically fit but it also helps you relax and practice breathing (essential during childbirth) In addition, it is an exercise that helps you connect with your body. If you can, sign up for a special class for pregnant women, as you can't do all the yoga poses that are done in a regular class. Also keep in mind that you should not practice very intense yoga, hence our suggestion to find a directed activity designed for this very important period of your life.

If you can't find one or you prefer to stay at home, we recommend this excellent routine. Take it easy and breathe.