All the benefits of mandarins if you include them in your diet

Mandarins are a well-known fruit that belong to the citrus group and offer us great advantages. Its small size and the simple way to remove its peel make it a comfortable fruit to take with us anywhere , such as to school, work or simply enjoy at home with a delicious snack. Likewise, there are many benefits that mandarins provide to our body.

Not only can we ingest them as fruit, but we can enjoy their benefits and flavor through many different recipes that include mandarins as an ingredient. For example, we can make a salad, make a jam or cook tangerine cakes.

In order to enjoy all the advantages and benefits that mandarins bring to our body, it is advisable to eat one or two a day . Thus, by consuming them regularly, the results are more likely to appear and be sustained over time. Do you know what are the benefits of mandarins? Here are some of them:

The main benefits of mandarins

They are a source of vitamin C

Mandarins have a high amount of vitamin C that helps us fight and prevent colds and infections , since it gives our body an anti-infective action. Eating tangerines is essential during the cold months, where the probability of these colds appears increases.

Vitamin A levels increase

One of the benefits that mandarins provide is the abundant vitamin A that they provide to our body. This vitamin helps to improve the strengthening of our hair, nails and vision . For its effect to be greater, it is advisable to eat mandarins daily.

They provide minerals and vitamins

After doing a physical activity, we can take a couple of tangerines to reestablish the levels of minerals and fluids lost thanks to its content of potassium, carotenoids and vitamin C.

In addition, the consumption of mandarins offers great benefits during pregnancy , since it provides folic acid , nutrients and vitamins, which are necessary during this stage.

Beneficios que aportan las mandarinas en el organismo

Reduce intestinal problems: one of the benefits of tangerines

Another of the well-known benefits that mandarins provide to our body is that, thanks to their fiber content, they improve constipation problems by stimulating bowel movements.

Lower cholesterol levels

Tangerines, thanks to the properties they have, help reduce cholesterol levels. This fruit decreases the free radicals involved in the adherence of cholesterol to the arteries, thus preventing it from accumulating on their walls. In addition, tangerines lower blood pressure by promoting blood flow.

Helping prevent liver cancer is one of the benefits of the most important mandarins

The carotenoids present in tangerines could help lower the risk of developing liver cancer . The high content of vitamin A present in mandarins has anticancer functions.

Fight wrinkles

One of the benefits that mandarins provide is the fight against aging and the appearance of wrinkles on our skin. To take advantage of this utility, we can ingest mandarins or apply their juice directly on the skin.

Improve skin tone: another of the benefits of tangerines

The intake in our body of vitamin C and E helps our skin to maintain a healthy appearance. Tangerines, which contain these vitamins, help improve the complexion and reduce blemishes , making the skin look perfect .

They delay the appearance of gray hair

Among the wide list of benefits that tangerines provide, we find that they help delay and combat the appearance of gray in our hair. This occurs, on the one hand, thanks to the fact that vitamin C helps the production of collagen; and, on the other hand, because vitamin A promotes hydration.

Beneficios de las mandarinas

They promote hair growth

Tangerines, thanks to the vitamins B12 and E they contain, help hair growth . In addition, by applying its juice on our hair we can instantly observe that it improves its looseness and shine. It is advisable to mix the juice with a hair oil before applying it.

They strengthen the immune system

Continuing with the list of benefits that tangerines provide, we find that their nutrients help us maintain a healthy immune system . They help to remove unwanted substances and toxins from the body. In addition, they help prevent wound infections and reduce the appearance of muscle cramps and vomiting.

Protect teeth and gums

On the other hand, the vitamin C present in tangerines helps to maintain a healthy and cared-for appearance in our teeth and gums . People who consume mandarins daily are less likely to develop oral problems such as gingivitis.

Fight anemia: one of the benefits of the most relevant mandarins

Anemia shows that we have low levels of iron in our body. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the intake of foods rich in iron, such as mussels or lentils. In addition, the intake of tangerines, thanks to vitamin C, improves the absorption of the iron present in these foods. The benefit is greater if we consume both foods at the same time.