All About Peppers: Do You Get Fat if You Eat Them Daily?

Crunchy and sweet peppers contain a lot of nutrients in every bite. These versatile vegetables originated in South America and, due to their ability to adapt well to different climates, were quickly grown and adopted in various kitchens around the world.

Peppers are available in a variety of colors; red, orange, and yellow peppers are sweeter , while greens and purples have a slightly bitter taste . The peppers are actually green that have been allowed to ripen on the vine, making them sweeter! The widely used spices, paprika and pepper are prepared from this food as well.

All About Peppers

Often believed to be a vegetable, peppers are technically fruit , as they are produced from a flowering plant and contain seeds. Regardless of what you choose to call them, bell peppers are a smart and delicious way to get a nutrient boost, as they include an impressive array of health benefits in every bite.

Pepper Nutritional Information

A serving of bell peppers is 1 cup of raw, chopped, or cooked bell pepper, or 1 medium raw. One serving contains:

  • Calories: 31
  • Total fat: 0.4 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 4.8 mg
  • Total carbohydrates: 7.2 g
  • Dietary fiber: 2.5 g
  • Sugar: 5 g
    • Added sugar: 0 g
  • Protein: 1.2 g


  • Total Fat: A medium one has 0.4 grams of total fat, which includes 0.1 grams of saturated fat and 0 grams of trans fat.
  • Carbohydrates: A medium one has 7.2 grams of carbohydrates, which include 2.5 grams of fiber and 5 grams of natural sugars.
  • Protein: A medium bell pepper has 1.2 grams of protein.

Vitamins, Minerals and Other Micronutrients

  • Vitamin A: 21% of your daily value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 169% DV
  • Vitamin B6: 20% DV
  • Folate (vitamin B9): 14% DV
  • Vitamin E: 13% DV

Red peppers are a good source of Vitamin B1 (5% DV), Vitamin B2 (8% DV), Vitamin B3 (7% DV), Vitamin B5 (8% DV), Vitamin D (0% DV), Vitamin K (5% DV), potassium (5% DV), iron (3% DV), manganese (6% DV), phosphorus (2% DV), magnesium (3% DV), zinc (3% DV) and copper ( 2% DV).

What benefits do they bring to health?

Peppers contain many nutrients, from vitamin C to fiber and phytonutrients.

They are an inexhaustible source of vitamin C

Vitamin C serves many purposes throughout the human body, and its most vital functions are related to its antioxidant capacity and nutrient synergy, according to a November 2017 article published in Nutrients. At 169% of our daily C value, one serving of bell pepper provides you with more than the allotted amount of this critical vitamin.

This vitamin acts as an antioxidant in the body , protecting against the negative effects of free radicals and protecting DNA, proteins, and lipids from oxidative damage. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), eating foods rich in vitamin C is associated with the prevention and / or treatment of a variety of health conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, and the common cold.

Another surprising benefit of vitamin C is its ability to help absorb non-heme iron . Non-heme iron is found in plant foods, such as beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains. Humans cannot easily absorb non-heme iron, and vitamin C acts synergistically to reduce the non-heme form from ferric to ferrous, allowing us to more easily absorb the nutrient, according to the October 2019 issue of Antioxidants.

This is particularly important for vegans and vegetarians who primarily eat non-heme iron versus animal-based heme iron and are more likely to experience anemia.

They can contribute to healthy eyesight

Peppers are an excellent source of vitamin A, in addition to a range of carotenoids, which are essential for eye health. Vitamin A is critical to our vision and is an important component of the rhodopsin protein , which supports the retina and cornea. So much so that vitamin A deficiency can lead to blindness.

Many of us have heard that beta carotene is good for our eyes. Peppers contain high levels of this vital vision carotenoid, which the body can convert to vitamin A. Carotenoids, which are yellow, red, and orange pigments produced by plants, give peppers their color.

Peppers also contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin , which protect the retina and are linked to a lower risk of cataracts and macular degeneration as we age, according to an article published in April 2013 in Nutrients.

They can help lose weight

The combination of dietary fiber, low calories and high water content helps you feel satiated for a longer period of time. It also allows you to add volume to your plate without adding additional calories.

Generally speaking, it is preferable to eat whole foods like bell peppers, rather than processed and packaged foods, especially when it comes to losing weight.

The crisp texture of peppers also requires more chewing, which can slow down the speed at which you eat. Eating slower and more carefully allows your body to recognize when it is full and can help you avoid overeating.

Are there health risks?

Pepper is generally considered safe for most people. However, there is a chance that a person with a pollen-related food allergy may be sensitive to peppers, according to an article published in the May 2017 issue of Allergo Journal International.

Most mediated food allergies stem from a sensitivity to pollen and appear in a variety of foods, including apples, stone fruits, hazelnuts, soybeans, tomatoes, and bell peppers. However, many of these symptoms are eliminated or reduced if food is cooked , a process that breaks down the cell structure.

Another area of ​​concern is the buzz around products from the nightshade family and whether or not they increase inflammation in some people. Anecdotal cases link improvement in arthritis when removed, however, there are no controlled case scientific studies to confirm these observations.

Nightshades are a rich source of nutrients and a benefit to most diets, so be careful when viewing unsupported negative claims about these fruits and vegetables.

Drug interactions

Although peppers are not known to interact with any medications, be sure to discuss any dietary interactions with your doctor.

Preparation of peppers and useful tips

Peppers are available year-round, but are generally more abundant during the summer months. Follow these tips to help collect and store your peppers:

  • Choose those that are firm, fresh and shiny in appearance.
  • Avoid ones that look dry, have wrinkles, or show signs of decay, such as water-soaked areas or skin lesions.
  • They should feel heavy for their size and be firm enough to give in gently to light pressure. (The shape of the pepper does not affect the quality in any way.)
  • Thoroughly wash the peppers under cold water before removing the core or cutting them.
  • Store the unwashed peppers in the refrigerator’s vegetable drawer; They should be kept well for a week.
  • Peppers can be frozen raw and whole.

Peppers taste great raw or cooked and have an endless list of culinary possibilities. Enjoy them raw, broiled, roasted, or sauteed.