A Beginner's Guide to Barre Workouts

The Barre is a low-impact exercise methodology that combines ballet movements, with yoga postures, Pilates and in which light weights are used. With these routines you can exercise all the muscles of the body.

If you are starting in the world of barre, it is very likely that you do not understand many of the terms and at first it will be difficult for you to follow a routine of this type, that is why we present you a basic barre guide, with some of the basic concepts and positions so that you can feel more comfortable when practicing it.

Concepciones básicas de las rutinas barre

Basic guide to Barre routines

1. Basic recommendations

Barre routines are characterized by subtle, isometric movements and multiple repetitions. Like any exercise, practicing barre is not easy and although the movements are subtle you will feel with each one of them how your muscles burn.

You will know that you are doing a good job when your muscles start to tremble and when this happens it is advisable to stop for 4 or 5 seconds, to help the body return to the proper shape.

One of the most important recommendations is to remember to keep your abs active during each movement.Cómo practicar el Barre de manera adecuada

2. Basic sweeping positions

There are some positions that you need to know to practice the barre routines , for which we present a list of the 8 basic ones:

2.1 First position

It is a standing position on the bar and, to perform it, you must stand with one hand on the bar and the other at your side, your heels together and your feet at 45 degrees. Your knees should be in line with your toes.Primera posición rutinas de Barre

2.2 Second position

To perform the second position you must place one hand on the bar and the other at your side, and then open your legs (wider than the hips) and with your toes at 45 degrees.

La segunda posición de ballet se utiliza en barre

2.3 Plié

It consists of bending the knees. In barre routines, a series of plies are done in first and second position to warm up muscles and joints. The demi pliés consist of doing the semi flexion of the knees, while the grand pliés are the total flexion of the knees (the thighs parallel to the floor)

2.4 Fold

To master this position you must take care of your abs. Point your tailbone down and lift your hips to lean slightly forward, this allows your lower lumbar to straighten as much as possible.Posiciones básicas de las rutinas de Barre

2.5 Relevé

Being in relief means lifting your heels off the ground, either in first or second position. For it:

  1. Lift your heels off the ground, keeping a slight bend in your knees (lean on the ball of your foot for balance).
  2. When your calves and thighs start to burn, you will know that you are in the right position.

El relevé es una de las posturas básicas de rutinas barre

2.6 Pulses

Pulses are fast, explosive movements that test your muscular endurance within a partial range of motion.

Los pulsos son ejercicios que ponen a prueba tu resistencia

2.7 Coupe

Coupé in French means to cut. In barre, the coupe refers to when one foot cuts another. To perform a coupe , you should stand on your left leg and bend your right so that the toes of your right foot touch the knee of your left leg, then switch legs and repeat the position.Hacer un coupé en rutinas Barre

2.8 Attitude

To do this position, you must keep one leg on the ground while the other extends back, twisted and bent, forming a 90-degree angle. Beginners may have a slight bend in the knee of the leg, for support to help with balance.Poses básicas de las rutinas Barre


Barre routines are a very beneficial exercise for your body and you should try to do them to exercise all your muscles.

Although at first you may not understand or not be able to perform some postures, with this basic guide you will better understand what each exercise is about, everything is a matter of practice and with time you will achieve it, so dare to train in this way.


  • Help, T. Barre Basics: A Beginner’s Guide to Barre Workouts. For Dailyburn. [Revised January 2018]
  • Facio, F. Barre Low impact exercise methodology. For Contigosalud. [Revised January 2018]