9 tricks for glowing skin in winter

Something we like about summer is that we have glowing skin . It gives off that hydrated and radiant effect, as if we were coming from an idyllic Caribbean beach. Quite the opposite occurs in winter due to the wind and low temperatures, but also due to the heating of the home. However, there are some tricks that you can include in your daily beauty ritual if you want your skin to look like summer.

Get glowing skin in winter

Hydration is the key

As you well know, drinking lots of water is good for your health. It provides multiple benefits for the body and also for the physical aspect. Drinking 2 liters a day helps you stay well hydrated and also provides satiety. Not in vain the consumption of this liquid is highly recommended if you are looking to lose weight.

Water not only helps keep the body hydrated, but also the skin. And it is that in summer, with the high temperatures, drinking water is very easy. Quite the opposite happens in winter, but it is just as important to do so if you want to have glowing skin despite the cold. With enough water, you will notice that your skin is less dry at this time of year.

Aplica protector solar aún en los días sin sol

Clean equals glowing skin

How many times, out of laziness, do you go to bed without removing your makeup? A big mistake that we have all made at some time in life. Many others, particularly if you don’t leave the house on weekends, you forget about the routine of cleaning your face. Another big mistake. The facial skin should be cleaned a couple of times a day at least. In the morning and evening. If you use makeup, before sleeping and after removing cosmetics with makeup remover, you should also wash to remove residues.

Micellar water or soap? A great debate for which the experts do not finish clarifying. Whatever product you use for facial cleansing, don’t forget to use it to keep your face always clean. Basically because with the winter wind, more particles and bacteria are added to the face. In summer, it is sweat that makes your face dirty. By the way, you shouldn’t touch her that much either. Your face should always be clean and more to prepare the skin for beauty products.

Restores the pH

The restoration and balance of the facial skin can be achieved by using a facial toner. Remember that although cleaning is essential, cleaning products lower the pH of the skin . So the best thing you can do is apply a toner that not only restores the pH, but also closes pores, provides a feeling of freshness and also removes makeup remover traces.

Currently, wearing the sanitary mask all day can also cause that sensation of itching and irritation of the skin, so applying the facial toner will help you a lot to reduce the effects of annoying masks.

The best deals we have found to buy facial toner

Take care of the eye contour

For radiant skin, there is nothing like caring for the area around the eyes. We recommend using specific beauty products for this area enriched with hyaluronic acid, caffeine and collagen. These products can be found in cream, but also in patches and masks. With them you can reduce wrinkles, retain water (to provide that feeling of moist skin in summer) and also to reduce annoying dark circles. The ideal age to start taking care of the eye contour is from the age of 30.

The best deals we’ve found to buy eye contour products

Repair for glowing skin

Another essential product for facial care is serum. They are quickly absorbed and serve to repair and restore the skin in depth. They are generally used as rejuvenators, to eliminate or attenuate wrinkles, but, best of all, they fight stains and flaccidity and there are even for acne-prone skin. They also work for the neck and cleavage area.

The best deals we have found to buy facial serum

Keep skin hydrated

By drinking lots of fluids, you get the natural hydration of the skin, but you cannot entrust everything to the water. To streamline the natural process, nothing like a good moisturizer. With it you will have healthy and radiant skin. There are them for all skin types and with various components. Some only serve to hydrate, but there are others enriched with collagen or hyaluronic acid, with which you would also be working against the signs of aging.

In addition to the skin of the face, it is also essential to hydrate the skin of the entire body. Yes, in winter we usually wear more layers of clothing and out of laziness we can forget about waxing, for example, and also hydration. If you feel uncomfortable due to the effect that wearing jeans after applying cream has on your skin, we advise you to do it at least at night before going to bed.

Include almond oil in your beauty routine

Almond oil has multiple benefits for skin and hair. This balm helps to improve the appearance of the skin and to restore its tone; in addition, it balances the loss of water and the absorption of moisture thanks to its barrier effect. It is a great ally to reduce the symptoms of aging. In addition, it has a calming effect so if you suffer from itchy and dry skin these winter days, nothing like almond oil.

You can apply it directly to damp skin, after showering, although we recommend that you indulge yourself a bit with a bath of foam and salts and a splash of this oil and other balms to help your skin. And remember, it’s good for your hair too!

Para tener una piel resplandeciente en invierno debes seguir un ritual de belleza específico

Sunscreen despite the cold

Many women think that sunscreen is only for the summer and it is not. Sunscreen is for the whole year, even in winter and on cloudy days. The sun’s rays keep reaching us and wreaking havoc on the skin. Hence, the skin at this time also dries out. Start by applying a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher to areas of the body that are not protected by warm clothing.

Although the sun is a natural source of vitamin E, so essential for health, do not forget to protect yourself with a good cream. To reduce the damage or effects of stinging skin, nothing like almond oil to soothe you.

Hot or cold water?

A common mistake in winter is to shower with hot water; something logical, on the other hand, if we want to fight the cold. The big problem is that showering with hot water irritates the skin, makes it red and causes a stinging sensation on the body. It is best to shower with lukewarm water, something that you should also apply to your face in your cleansing routine.

Have you noticed that your T-zone pores are wide open? Despite the cold, we recommend that you ice in this area at least once a week. This will help tighten your pores and also give you a refreshing sensation. Of course, never rub your face when you dry it: dab it lightly with the towel.