9 tips to start mountaineering that you should keep in mind

In summer, peaks such as Sierra de Guadarrama, Cantabrian Mountains or Sierra Nevada can be used to make your first climbs if, for example, you are in Spain. However, before you start mountaineering, there are some tips you should follow .

Despite the fact that mountaineering is a demanding and potentially dangerous sport , you cannot approach the mountain with fear; do it with enough respect so as not to dirty it and leave it unalterable. Due to the environment where it takes place, this will always be a pleasant activity, especially if the landscape is taken into account when reaching the top.

In addition to being well prepared, it is important that you do not overestimate your abilities when ascending the mountain. But how do you prepare? Are you one of those who are concerned about the entire climbing process itself? So, discover 9 tips for mountaineering that you should keep in mind .

9 consejos para hacer montañismo que debes tener en cuenta

9 tips to start mountaineering

Remember that taking the proper precautions, including physical fitness, training, and counseling, is vitally important to ensure a successful mountaineering session .

1. Build stamina before climbing

Climbing a mountain can be very challenging, so you need to improve your body’s stamina. Include walks in your daily routine and substitute the use of the elevator for the stairs . Both recommendations are crucial to get in shape.

Running and cycling are ideal complementary exercises to condition your body. In addition, you can enroll in a climbing gym or in courses of the different federations where you can hire guides.

In these places the most common exercises are; carry a heavy backpack up a hill and go on multi-day hikes with equipment . In this way, you will be able to familiarize yourself and gain confidence, as well as practice the aforementioned in different weather conditions.

9 consejos para empezar a practicar montañismo

2. Know the mountain you are going to climb

The more you know the specific characteristics of the mountain you are going to climb, the more cautious you will be, and you will be able to really carry what you need . You must know the flora and fauna with which you are going to find to know how to act if necessary.

En montañismo debes estudiar la montaña que vas a subir

3. Learn to read maps

Maps are one of the most useful tools when going up a mountain . For this reason, the more experience you have reading maps, the better. Practice measuring a trail near your home and get tools like a GPS, a compass, and bump maps.

Once you are skilled enough to use these tools, try losing yourself and finding your way again. With the use of a map, you can make accurate estimates of river or waterway crossings, availability of water sources, among others.

Los mapas son herramientas esenciales en el montañismo

4. Waterproof your things even in good weather

Prevent water from getting on your equipment and utensils even if it’s not raining . Part of the adventure of mountaineering includes running into a puddle or stream that is easier to traverse than to skirt. Also, if you accidentally slip, you will protect your things.

Impermeabiliza tu equipo para escalar

5. Prepare a first aid kit

In mountaineering you run the risk of suffering an injury or injury, so you must have basic medications . From bandages, sterile gauze and analgesics, to anti-allergic drugs, detadin and any other medicine you think is necessary.

Don’t forget to always check the expiration date and replace the expired ones. Include, if necessary, your specific medications and consider for size and weight reasons that you cannot carry a large medicine cabinet.

Prepara un botiquín de primeros auxilios al hacer montañismo

6. Equip yourself with what is strictly necessary

To climb a mountain, you must have special equipment that consists of at least a harness, a helmet and appropriate rope. Now, if you are going to walk on ice, you cannot forget to bring 12-point semi-rigid crampons, an ice ax or pickaxe from 60 to 90 cm and ice screws.

A flashlight is vital for mountaineering . The recommendation is that you do not try to save money buying in a cheap store, in general these equipment have a long life, so instead of seeing it as an expense, take it as an investment.

Al escalar equípate con lo estrictamente necesario

7. Wear the right clothing for mountaineering

Depending on whether it is winter or not, you will need to adjust your clothes. However, make sure it is exclusively for climbing. Also, keep in mind that this sport requires good material, with this you will obtain comfort and safety , you will be able to achieve high performance, as well as protect yourself from different weather conditions.

Having good shoes is important in mountaineering . Remember that this sport defies gravity and that the use of your feet and legs is decisive. Mountain climbing shoes are designed so that the force you are applying to your feet is correctly transmitted to the movement and it is effective. This type of footwear has areas to step on, heel, do heel-hooks, among others.

Adquiere un calzado especial para hacer montañismo

8. Bring snacks rich in carbohydrates and proteins

Prepare foods such as dried fruits, walnuts, sweets, and bread. During your journey you will burn a lot of carbohydrates and fats, so you must have resources on hand to replenish energy .

Empaca aperitivos ricos en carbohidratos y proteínas para escalar

9. Say hello to the locals and don’t litter

When you do mountaineering, it is not good to go unnoticed . It is recommended that you greet the locals and other fellow climbers you encounter during your tour. In this way, if you get lost, it may be easier to find your whereabouts. Also, being nice will make your experience more enjoyable.

Do not forget to bring your garbage back and deposit it in the places provided . Have a plastic container where you can keep it until your return: you must remember that you are just one more guest on the mountain.

Cuando haces senderismo no es bueno pasar desapercibido


To get all the benefits of mountaineering , you should start following a series of tips. Among them; develop stamina, learn how to read maps and use a compass, know the mountain you are going to climb, waterproof your gear and prepare a first aid kit.


  • STA MARIA, T. (2019, May 15). Way To The Top: 14 Tips For Mountain Climbing Beginners. Retrieved May 5, 2020, from https://www.tripzilla.ph/tips-mountain-climbing-beginners/6463