9 exercises to do the bikini operation at home and not get caught by the bull

It seems not, but summer is just around the corner and it will arrive before you know it… And, along with it, the well-known bikini operation returns. The best way to lose weight and get in shape is to take care of your diet and exercise throughout the year, but if you need an extra push to lose those extra kilos before the heat hits, in this article we show you 9 exercises to do the bikini operation at home and don’t get caught by the bull. Ready?

9 exercises to do the bikini operation at home without sports equipment

Side-shift push-ups

We are all familiar with normal push-ups, but if you combine them with this lateral movement you will get an even more complete exercise with which to work your chest, back, arms and core .

To perform them, you just have to position yourself as if you were going to do a normal push-up (that is, face down on the floor supported by the hands and the balls of the feet) with the hands together under the chest to be in the center. From there, open your left arm, lower your chest towards the ground , and return to the starting position; without stopping, then open the right arm, lower with the chest , and start again.

Plank with leg raises

The plank is one of the exercises to make the bikini operation at home more complete, since it works practically all the muscles of the body and especially strengthens the core . It can improve? The answer is yes: by adding leg lifts, you will also work your glutes and tone them.

Its mechanics are simple: get into a plank position (with your hands under your shoulders), and alternately raise your legs . Remember to keep your hips in line with your shoulders during the exercise so that the muscles work properly.


This is one of the best exercises to do the bikini operation at home because it combines muscle toning with cardio – trying to do them at full speed for a minute will really make you sweat.

The execution is simple, although it is quite tiring if you are not used to it: in the same plank position as before, with your hands under your shoulders, bring your knees towards your chest (as if you were climbing) alternately as fast as you can.

Superman pull

The superman pull or superman with traction is a small variation of the normal superman that consists of raising the legs and arms lying face down, as if you were flying like Clark Kent. In this case, in addition, once you have your arms and legs extended and raised , instead of lowering and raising them again, you have to gather your arms as if you were pulling a rope towards your chest until your shoulder blades meet , using force with the core.

Side lunges

Normal lunges are already one of the best exercises to do the bikini operation because they work many muscles (which results in more calories burned), but this lateral modality works in addition to the glutes and quads, adductors, abductors, tendons of the hamstring and the twins .

To do them, you have to stand with your legs open, and do a squat with the leg opposite the one with which you are going down extended to the other side.

Crossed lunges

If the side lunges are already beneficial, the crossed lunges, do not even tell you! With this modality you will get smooth and strong thighs and perfectly toned steel glutes that you will want to show off at all costs this summer in your long beach sessions with a stylish bikini.

This exercise is very simple: you just have to stand with your hands on your waist, your abdomen tight and your chest elevated; cross one leg behind the other diagonally, and lower the trunk straight without the knee of the lower leg ever exceeding the tip of the foot. The knee of the crossed leg, meanwhile, should touch the ground for the exercise to be more complete.

Jump squats

Squats are a great exercise to train at home because they allow you to strengthen your muscles while doing cardiovascular work. And, if you do this modality that includes jumping, your heart rate will rise even more, so you will burn more calories.

Squats also especially activate the quadriceps , which are the largest muscle in the body and the one that requires the most energy to get moving, so any exercise that works will help your body burn fat .

Doing jump squats is very simple: stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, and squat down as if you were going to sit on a chair (that is, pushing your buttocks back, and without your knees going over never the toe of the foot). As you lift yourself back to the starting position, push yourself up and jump , then squat again when you land.

Plank with hip lift and offset

This exercise is perfect for working on flexibility through the back of the legs, as well as for strengthening the core and upper body . If you are not very used to exercising, it can be somewhat difficult to do at first because it is a bit demanding if you do many repetitions, but without a doubt the results are worth it.

To do this, start from the plank position explained above, and walk with your hands backwards (without moving your legs) so that you raise your hips ; then walk with your hands forward again until you return to the starting position.

Triceps Dips

We could not conclude this list of exercises to do the bikini operation at home without someone to work the arms, especially that part in which so many women have hanging fat that we find it difficult to eliminate: the triceps area. With this simple exercise, you can gradually tone the area until you can define the muscle and end that hideous flaccidity that we prefer to hide when we wear suspenders.