9 challenging BOSU ball exercises to work your balance

You've probably heard of the BOSU ( Both Side Up ) ball. It is a hemisphere that has a flat side, usually made of metal, and another covered by a soft rubber.

The design of the ball allows you to use it from both sides. Placing the soft rubber against the floor is ideal for exercises that challenge your balance, since it adds an element of instability with which you can not only work, but also strengthen your abs.

If you want to experience a different workout for your core, discover 9 strong exercises with the BOSU ball that are ideal for you.

9 ejercicios fuertes con el balón BOSU

9 BOSU ball exercises to challenge your balance

By adding the BOSU ball to your exercise routine, you will not only increase your strength and endurance, but also improve your balance.

1. BOSU balloon push-up

  1. Place the BOSU ball on the ground and lie on it face down. Keep in mind that the ball should be with the soft rubber against the ground, which will leave the platform flat up.
  2. Get into a plank position with your arms extended.
  3. Position your hands on the outer edge of the ball, one horizontal to the other, and take the ball right in the middle. Make sure your wrists are below the shoulders.
  4. Spread your feet about 15cm apart for more stability.
  5. In this exercise you must engage your core, so you must lower your core down so that it touches the platform and then bring your body back to the start.
Flexión con balón BOSU

2. Side plank

In this drill, the BOSU ball must have its side flat on the ground. Keep in mind that balancing on one arm can be difficult. Follow the steps to do it:

  1. Place your left or right forearm on the BOSU ball.
  2. Extend your legs and support your feet, remember that you are lying on your side.
  3. Squeeze your core and lift it into a side bridge.
  4. Press up and down the latex of the ball or, if you prefer, keep it static.
  5. Repeat on the other side.
Plancha lateral con el balón BOSU

3. One leg glute bridge

During this exercise, the ball should be flat on the ground. To do this, start from the lying position on your back and follow the steps:

  1. Bend your knee and put your foot firmly on the BOSU ball. The other leg should point out at a 45 degree angle and in line with the thigh of the bent leg.
  2. Squeeze your glutes and push your hips skyward.
  3. Hold for a second and then lower slowly.
Puente de glúteos de una pierna con balón BOSU

4. The Mountaineer

For the execution of this exercise, the soft part of the BOSU ball must be resting against the ground. Follow the steps:

  1. Get into a push-up position on the flat platform with your hands under your shoulders, holding the ball from the outside just in the middle of both sides.
  2. Align your body, bring one knee up to your chest and then lower it again to meet the other.
  3. Quickly alternate with the other leg and repeat.
Ejercicio de mountain climbers con el balón BOSU

5. Front lunge

  1. Place the BOSU ball on the ground with the soft side up and stand directly behind it.
  2. Slowly perform a lunge, where you should keep your front knee behind your front toes.
  3. Push through the front leg and take your foot off the BOSU ball.
  4. Change legs and repeat.
Estocada frontal utilizando el balón BOSU

6. Romanian Single Leg Deadlift

  1. Lay the BOSU with the soft rubber facing down.
  2. While standing, put one leg on the ball with a slight bend at the knee.
  3. Bend at the hips and extend your free leg behind you for balance.
  4. Lower your upper body until it is parallel to the ground.
  5. Return to the upright position slowly, maintaining your balance.
  6. Keep your hips in a stable position, don't allow them to rock to the side.
  7. For a more intense exercise, hold a dumbbell in the opposite hand of the standing leg that you placed on the ball.

7. Single leg plank

  1. Place the flat side of the ball against the ground and put your forearms on top of the BOSU. The legs should be in a plank position.
  2. Lift the leg of your choice off the ground and hold it. Your core and glutes should be tight, this will prevent your stomach and hips from sagging.
Plancha a una sola pierna con balón BOSU

8. Burpee with BOSU balloon

  1. While standing, hold the BOSU Balance Ball in your hands with the flat side towards your body.
  2. Bend your knees slightly as you place the BOSU on the floor. Make sure your hands are holding the ball firmly.
  3. Jump back into a pushup. To make it more difficult, do a full pushup.
  4. Jump back to the BOSU and stand up, keeping your core tight.
  5. Raise the BOSU to the ceiling and repeat.
Burpees con el balón BOSU

9. Lateral lunge

  1. In an upright position, place your feet hip-width apart with the soft side of the BOSU ball facing up.
  2. Place one foot on the balance ball, the other foot should remain stable on the ground. Remember that both feet must be parallel to each other.
  3. Send your butt back as you descend into a side lunge, dropping all of your weight on your leg.
  4. Squeeze your glutes and come back up to repeat with the other leg.


If you are looking to enhance your balance and increase strength and endurance, you should add exercises with the BOSU ball to your routine.

Follow the instructions for each exercise very well, since it is essential that you position and take the BOSU ball properly in each of them.


  • Stohler, C. 11 Body-Rocking BOSU Ball Exercises. For Livestrong. [Revised October 2019]