8 relaxation methods that really work

Anxiety is normal, it happens very often, especially if you let the outside world control your thinking. You can learn to put anxiety aside by learning the following relaxation methods, perfect for starting the change to a healthier life.

Relaxation methods to get rid of anxiety

Here are some relaxation methods that can help you put anxiety aside and help you become a more confident and confident woman.


One of the great ways to relax is to meditate. Meditation is used in many cultures around the world, but all forms of meditation share certain common characteristics. The main goal is to focus your attention on a phrase or image and let your worries and anxieties drift away. Repeating a mantra over and over can help give it the focus you need, as can listening to soft music.

Meditation has a number of benefits including improved concentration and focus. It also reduces anxiety attacks, depression; stress level, headaches and even obesity as it acts as a natural mood and behavior enhancer. In addition, it improves the health of the body by increasing blood flow and reducing heart rate, which in turn leads the body to pick up more oxygen and nutrients.

Breathing techniques

Take slow but deep inhalations through your nose. Make sure to breathe from his abdomen, not just from his chest. Try to take in your breath for five seconds, hold it for a moment, and then exhale for ten seconds. Focus on your breathing and forget about other distractions.

When this happens, more oxygen enters your body and there is a reduced volume of carbon dioxide in the blood. Therefore, it is important that you learn to breathe properly through your diaphragm to avoid hyperventilating.

You can focus on your nostrils, feel your breath go in and out, or you can follow your breath as it goes down into the lungs and out again. This is one of the best relaxation methods for anxiety because you do not need any instrument to perform it and you can practice it at any time.

Relax your muscles

Every time anxiety appears, our body involuntarily stiffens, so one of the best ways to release this tension is through muscle relaxation. You can try body massages, meditation, isometric relaxation exercises, and abdominal breathing exercises.


Exercise can be another useful tool for learning to relax when you feel anxious. Sometimes all you need to do is face your anxieties, get out there, and get your body moving. Simple routines like walking around your neighborhood or riding a bike can help improve your mood and get your perspective in order.

Cognitive therapy

Another relaxation method to eliminate anxiety is cognitive therapy. This relaxation technique uses methods to modify thought patterns and beliefs that are related to anxiety triggers. Typically, this strategy includes rational self-talk techniques, attention exercises, tests of cognitive realism, and a focus on cognitive reorganization.

técnicas de relajación

Drink relaxing caffeine-free drinks

Herbs like peppermint and chamomile are more than healthy options than caffeine-containing alternatives like tea and coffee . You can tailor your choice by trying different options until you find the flavors that suit you the most! Most supermarkets now offer a wide variety of these drinks.

Do yoga

Yoga is also considered one of the most effective relaxation techniques for reducing anxiety . This is because yoga helps to seek harmony between the mind and the body through a series of postures. It is both therapeutic and calming. Its health benefits include improving the body’s fitness and flexibility, while improving posture, movement, balance, and endurance.

Sleep well

Finally, one of the most important and essential relaxation methods is to make sure you get enough sleep. If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, it can be much more difficult to deal with your anxiety. Establishing a regular bedtime routine and sticking to it can go a long way.

Good sleep reduces anxiety, stress, and depression. Consequently, it improves memory, concentration and mood. In addition, it balances the nervous system, normalizes the gastrointestinal functions and respiratory systems, and increases the efficiency of the cardiovascular system.