7 tricks to control the portions of your dishes

The truth is that many people have grown up consuming large portion sizes of food and several consider it normal, but this is not okay. Weight loss is not about changing what we consume, but rather the amounts we eat.

Here are some strategies to eat the right amount of food , even when faced with foods that are considered “taboo” on a diet, for example, mashed potatoes.

Before starting, it should be clear that there is a difference between the recommended portion and the served portion, the first is the one eaten in a restaurant and the second is the size that corresponds to a nutrition label measurement.

How to control the portions of your dishes

1. Make a fist

When only 1 cup servings are recommended, the easiest way to find the correct size is to use your fist as a guide to approximate the size of a cup.

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2. Keep a single serving

It is not necessary that you totally forbid yourself something you like, for example some candy. What you must do is keep only one portion and not repeat it. Perhaps it is difficult, but not impossible, French fries, among other weaknesses, can be in your diet, as long as you know how to keep a portion and do not consume more than necessary.

3. Create your own snack packages

If you are trying to lose weight, investing in small bags and dividing individual snack servings is necessary. You can buy in bulk and this way you will save money. It has been shown that we eat more when we are presented with snacks in large portions.

Cómo controlar las raciones de tu dieta

4. Bake for one person

There is nothing better than baking at home and sharing with the family, however you must be careful. When you go to prepare something delicious make sure it is in individual portions. This will ensure that you don’t overindulge when eating, compared to baking something familiar.

5. Change the spoons

Choose smaller spoons, especially when eating high-calorie treats like ice cream. There is research that shows that we eat less if we use a teaspoon instead of a tablespoon.

6. Choose smaller plates

Some people enjoy their meals on large plates; however this will not help you lose weight. As with spoons, if you want to control the portions of your dishes, always choose the small ones, and remember: only one portion.

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7. Ban certain foods if necessary

Why do diets fail? For some people, just reducing the number of servings is almost impossible, in these cases abstinence is suggested. If you go to the market and you are sure that you will not be able to with just a portion of pulled, better not put it in your shopping cart. Once you have your cravings under control, you may be able to carefully add small amounts of these to your diet.


These tips are only suggestions, but it is recommended that every time you have cravings you ask yourself something as simple as am I really hungry? Many people overlook this question, and it is very important to know what we really need.


  • Stepahnie Molnar, 7 Tricks to make portion control easy. For Livestrong [Revised August 2016]