7 easy-to-do glute-shaping exercises

The buttocks are a part of the body that many of us want to strengthen and tone even though it requires more effort and work than other areas. To help you in this task, we have selected a series of exercises to shape the buttocks beautifully so that you can tone them in a simple and effective way.

Gluteal anatomy

Before getting into the subject, we are going to explain to you how this muscle is formed, since it is important to know the anatomy of this part of the body to know exactly what you are working on when you exercise.

The muscle group that makes up the buttocks is made up of three muscles:

  • Gluteus maximus: It is the outermost of all and is the one that gives the rounded shape. Its functions include extending the hip, externally rotating it, and stabilizing the pelvis. It is the muscle that you will have to work the most because it is the most voluminous of the group.
  • Gluteus medius: It is located on the lateral part of the hip and acts as the abductor muscle of the legs. That is, it makes you able to move your leg laterally.
  • Gluteus minus: It is the smallest of all and also performs the function of the hip abductor but with less intensity.

Exercises to give nice shape to the buttocks

We propose seven exercises to give you beautiful shape to your buttocks without complications and that you can do at home or in the gym. With a few minutes a day you will see how the results appear as the weeks go by.

1. Buttock bridge

The glute bridge , known in English as glute bridge , is an exercise with which you will work, especially the gluteus maximus and with which you will achieve a good toning. It is easy to do and is great for beginners. You only need a mat to support your back.

Lie on your back with your knees bent, the soles of your feet on the floor, and your arms close to your body. Raise your hips and tense your glutes to hold this position for a few seconds. Go back to the starting position little by little and repeat the movement.

Puente de glúteos para fortalecer los glúteos

2. Sumo squat, one of the best exercises to shape your buttocks beautifully

The sumo squat , as its name suggests, is a variation of the traditional squat, although it focuses much more on glute work.

To do it you will have to separate your feet a little more than the width of your shoulders. With your back straight, lower your hips to the level of your knees and then return to the starting position .

You can do the exercise at different rates so that the muscle works in different ways. You will achieve greater effectiveness if the muscle does not always work the same.

Cómo hacer una sentadilla sumo para fortalecer los glúteos

3. Stride

The stride is an exercise that is included in many routines, since it is simple and the results are very effective.

Stand up straight and stretch one leg back as if you were taking a step. Bend the knee of the forward leg to a 90 degree angle. It is important to keep your balance and hold on for a few seconds, then go back up. Switch legs and perform the same movement.

You can increase the difficulty as you gain muscle by adding weight. We recommend a dumbbell in each hand or a weighted bar.

Zancada, ejercicio fácil de glúteos

4. Quadruped lateral leg raises

This movement allows you to work the gluteus medius, which is the part of the muscle group that is responsible for the abduction of the legs.

You will have to place yourself on the floor in a quadruped position and raise one of the legs laterally, keeping the knee flexed . Hold on for a few seconds and lower your leg again. Perform the same movement with the opposite leg.

To perform the movement more comfortably, we recommend using a mat to reduce the impact of the weight on the knee. Remember to always keep your back straight.

If this exercise seems easy to you, you can add extra difficulty by using rubber bands on the legs so that the muscle works more.

5. Jump squat

The jump squat is a variant of the traditional squat, just like the sumo squat. In this exercise the gluteus minimus is worked.

To do it, spread your legs until your feet are at hip height. With your back straight, lower your hips as in a normal squat and, quickly, push yourself up with all the force accumulated in the descent . Cushion the jump descent well with your legs.

It is an exercise that requires a bit more strength. We recommend doing 10 repetitions and 5 series approximately.

6. Kick to the glute

The glute kick is another exercise that you can do with the help of a mat at home or at the gym.

You will have to get into a quadruped position and stretch your right leg back as if you wanted to kick with your heel . Hold in this position and contract your glute for 3 seconds. Return to the starting position and do the same with your left leg.

It is important to always keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Although more muscles are involved in this exercise, you are mainly working the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius.

7. Step, another of the best exercises to shape the buttocks beautifully

Performing step ups is a fun exercise to work your glutes.

You can do it with an adjustable step, a box or a step. Place one foot on the box and the other on the ground. Raise the knee of the foot that is on the ground towards your chest so that the leg that is resting on the box is straight. Control the descent and perform the same exercise with the opposite leg. Help yourself with your arms to keep your balance.

It is an exercise that works a lot on the gluteus medius, which is a muscle that intervenes in the balance of the body.

This is our selection of exercises to make you look firm buttocks easily. You will start to notice the results after several weeks of training. Of course, it is necessary that you be constant in practice and eat a good diet low in fat and rich in protein and carbohydrates, which will help your body to muscle.