7 core exercises that any tennis player should do

If you think that in order to have a suitable condition for tennis it is necessary to train the arms and the legs only, you are wrong. It is time for you to know that the core also plays a very important role in your performance in this sport.

The core is the one who helps transfer the force from the ground to your arms, which will be transmitted through your racket. In short, if you do not train your core as well, you will lose power in your shots, and you will wear out more quickly, with the possibility of suffering an injury.

To avoid this and keep our core always in shape, we have these core exercises that a tennis player should do .

Mejores ejercicios de core para un tenista

7 core exercises for tennis players

1. Plank with forearm

This exercise helps strengthen the supporting muscles around the spine. By doing this, the risk of low back pain is reduced.

To do it correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Get on the ground, support yourself with your elbows and toes with your body extended.
  2. Your elbows should be below your shoulders, and your hands should be in line with them.
  3. Hold this position for 1 minute without compromising your hips or back. Try not to compromise the neck.

A clear indication that you have a strong core is if you can hold the position for at least 2 minutes. This will be one of your main signals to know if you need to train him more.

2. Plank with arm and leg elevation

We are leveling up. This exercise will demand more of you, but its results will be effective.

  1. Get on the ground, support yourself with your toes.
  2. Extend your body, align your back and lift your hips, don’t let your hips or your core sink.
  3. Slowly raise your left arm and right leg at the same time. Keep them straight and parallel to the ground.
  4. Hold for 1-2 seconds, then lower them slowly.
  5. Repeat the movement with your right arm and left leg.

3. Plank with hip twists

Why is this movement essential for a person who plays tennis? Two words: power and rotation, which translates to better performance.

  1. Get into a plank position, supporting yourself with your forearms.
  2. Roll your hips to the side and touch the ground. Both elbows must be on the ground at all times.
  3. Return to the starting position.
  4. Switch sides and do several reps.

4. Side plank

The obliques are positioned to the sides of the core. Strengthening it is important for all these times that, during the game, the abdomen flexes or rotates, movements that can cause wear and tear if you do not have a strong core.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Lie down on the ground, leaning on your left side.
  2. Stack your right leg against your left and support yourself with your left hand with your shoulder above your hand.
  3. Raise your hips so they’re in line with your feet and shoulders.
  4. Raise your right arm vertically upward. This move will also stretch your chest.
  5. Make sure to keep your shoulders low so there is neck room and not compromise.
  6. Hold the position for one minute on each side. If you feel like making it a little more difficult, you can lift the upper leg, keeping your knee straight.

5. Bicycle

  1. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your hands supporting your head.
  2. Raise your feet slightly off the ground (they should be on top throughout the movement).
  3. Bend your left leg and bring your knee to your chest, while crossing and twisting your upper body to bring your right elbow to your left knee.
  4. Make both joints touch, while extending your right leg forward, close to the ground.
  5. Hold the contraction for a second.
  6. Repeat the same movement, but this time do it with the other side.

The whole series must be performed with slow and controlled movements, the lower part of the back must always be pushed towards the ground.

6. Reverse crunch

  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs and bring your knees up to your chest.
  2. Try to keep your feet close to your buttocks at all times.
  3. Lift your hips off the ground and bring your knees to your chest. The back should be slightly arched.
  4. Reverse the movement and slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Make sure you don’t swing your legs, this will help with the movement.

7. The windshield wiper

This is a basic exercise with great results. Helps strengthen various areas of the core, such as the obliques, hip flexors, and abs. At the same time, it stretches the lower back and chest.

  1. Lie on the floor on your back.
  2. Extend your arms to the sides in a T-position, pushing your palms toward the ground.
  3. Raise your legs up.
  4. Keep your knees straight and at a 90 degree angle at all times, without compromising your hips.
  5. Let your legs slowly drop to the side, they should be parallel with your arms.
  6. Don’t relax completely, touch the ground lightly and reverse the movement using your core.
  7. The feet must be together, both shoulders and arms must remain against the ground at all times.


If you are a fan of this sport or looking to train to be a professional, you must pay attention to each part of your body that plays an important role in your performance.

Strengthen your core to play tennis and acquire greater strength and power to improve your game and have the results you want.


  • McGee, S. 7 Core Exercises Every Tennis Player Should Do. For Active [Revised March 2020].