6 tips to follow if you are a bad communicator

It is no secret to anyone that technology has taken over us in many ways, especially in our workplace. How many times have you not preferred to communicate a project or permission to your boss through a message? Surely the majority, since this is increasingly common because technology has made us work in a more autonomous way.

The problem is that many times that message that we try to send can be misinterpreted, since everyone takes it subjectively. Therefore, face-to-face communication becomes a safer and more genuine option.

Yes, it is also true that not everyone is born with the gift of words or communication, but the idea is to work on it so that little by little you can perfect it. By working on basic communication skills , you will be able to establish both simple and difficult conversations without a problem.

Consejos que debes seguir si eres un mal comunicador

6 tips to communicate better

1. Check your attitude

Sometimes it is easy to judge people or situations quickly. It is better to change this attitude when communicating with others: the ideal is to keep an open mind to the different opinions that others may have; this way you can improve your way of communicating with others .

Remember that face-to-face communication has effects on your health and increases your lifespan.

Revisar tu actitud al comunicarte con los demás

2. Get out of your comfort zone

Take on new projects where you are forced to communicate without technological devices involved . Give opinions during meetings or conferences, contribute ideas to your boss, talk with your co-workers… Remember that all this will help you to get along better when communicating with others.

If you need to communicate with someone who is far away, do so by phone call or video call. You will be amazed at the progress you will make in no time.

Cómo comunicarte adecuadamente con otras personas

3. Apply active listening

To give coherent and substantive answers, you must first listen to what the other has to say . Let him express himself and listen carefully to what he has to say, and then you can give way to your responses.

By actively and consciously listening, communication will become more authentic and productive.

Beneficios de la escucha activa para una buena comunicación

4. Ask thoughtful questions

Stop talking non-stop and ask more deep questions. Try to find out what the other person likes and ask questions about it, so the conversation will be more bearable and fluid. It will also take the pressure off of getting your thoughts in order to speak.

Realiza preguntas reflexivas si eres un mal comunicador

5. Use body language to your advantage

Don’t underestimate the power of body language when giving an answer or communicating something. Maintain eye contact, don’t cross your arms, watch your tone of voice, your posture, facial expressions, and the gestures you make with your hands.

Try to be aware of what you transmit with your body . Remember that checking the phone during a meeting can be disrespectful, so be careful of these details that can leave a bad image of you.

Cómo controlar tu lenguaje corporal al comunicar

6. Decrease the time behind the screen

How much time do you spend checking your phone? The answer may surprise you. Get away from tech gadgets for a bit and look for more real-time conversations. It is scientifically proven that disconnecting from technology brings many benefits to your health.

It is best to disconnect the phone or computer in the morning and at least one hour before going to sleep.

Desconectar de la tecnología te ayuda a comunicar mejor


Communication is an activity that you should put into practice, because if you don’t use it, you will easily lose fluency.

Remember that it does not matter if you feel that you are a bad communicator: by following these tips you will be able to improve and develop your skills to the maximum.


  • Steinbrecher, S. Do You Avoid Talking to People? Try These 8 Tips to Improve Your Communication. For Inc. [Revised November 2018].