6 things your boss wants you to do without having to tell you

We know that sometimes, a boss can really be scary and more when he is a tough guy instead of a leader, but all this depends on the feedback he has with his employees.

It should not matter which company you work for, keep in mind that there are some characteristics that every boss wants you to possess. Having these characteristics or skills not only makes life easier for your boss, but also ensures a next promotion or promotion within the company.

We bring you a small list of 6 ways or tips that you should follow so that you can become the employee of the month in no time.

Cómo destacar tus cualidades ante tu jefe

6 Things Your Boss Wants You To Do

1. Do your job

This is obvious isn’t it, but really that is what is expected of you. After all, they hired you for something, right? You must have the skills, knowledge and capacity that is required to get the job done and this will only depend on you.

Your boss or leader (depending on the decision-making hierarchy within the company) will always be there to advise you, give you support and help you overcome adversity, but for that you must show the results or fruits of your work, since thanks to your achievements you can gain experience in your field of work and advance to the next level.Haz tu trabajo para adquirir logros

2. Be punctual

It does not matter if it is a meeting, hours of recreation within the work group, or some deadline to deliver a report; There is nothing more disrespectful and frowned upon than being late.

It is normal to be late sometimes. No one can avoid the terrible traffic at rush hours, family emergencies, or any other conflict that may arise, these are factors that influence to get to work on time, but if it is up to you to know how to communicate these events to your colleagues or your boss .

Company leaders always remember who is on time and who is not, or which employees they can count on.No llegar nunca tarde a tu trabajo

3. Take the initiative

Leaders or bosses are usually busy trying to run a company, from personnel to crisis situations. It is then, when at the time of contacting by mail or mobile, the references that it handles and has acquired serve and matter to be able to efficiently manage the workplace.

Advancing the pending work, taking the initiative in some aspects in relation to the company, and being more proactive in making decisions makes your boss take you into account for future important projects.

Lose the fear of “what will he say?” and go ahead in everything you can, in this way you will be able to ascend very soon in your work .

Las cualidades que un jefe desea que un empleado tenga

4. Get to the heart of work issues

Remember that your boss has a company to run and his time is tight. There is nothing more irritating to a boss than thinking about something instead of getting to the heart of the matter. Trust that he can handle any situation (he runs a company for a reason), and try to make your doubts and questions as clear as possible.

If you are composing an email, take the time to correctly edit the message and analyze what you want to say, without much rambling, and go to the central point of the question so that your boss can try to understand what you want to convey.

Also keep in mind that you must have a formal communication when dealing with a boss.

Cualidades que debe tener un buen empleado

5. Don’t waste time

It happens to all of us; you stop at the door of your boss’s office and ask him if he has a second to check something and that “second” becomes twenty minutes of his time. You realize the moment your boss is not paying attention to you and you wonder if he doesn’t like your ideas or doesn’t care about your problems. The reality is that because of those minutes of his time that you are taking from him, he is running late for a meeting and is trying not to be rude by interrupting you.

Be realistic with the time you take from your boss for any doubts you may have, remember that that “second” that you take of his time is essential for him and that it is inevitable to deal with an important issue in a short time. Therefore, the best thing you could do is organize a schedule with your boss to clarify any doubts you have and everything else related to the company. This way, neither of you will lose valuable time that you can spend on something more productive.No desperdicies el tiempo con tu jefe

6. Have a good attitude

People who always have an excessively positive attitude can become annoying, both for the boss and with their co-workers; And it’s a bit strange, to be honest. But different is when an employee is willing to face any challenge . It is not necessary that you have an excessively positive attitude or that you be a pessimist and always find “buts” to any task that they assign to you.

If you do not agree with a decision made by your boss, have the courage to speak your mind and express your ideas well; the key is to convey correctly what you do not like, since we all have the right to have an opinion and more when decisions are made in groups.

Having a good attitude is essential when carrying out your work . Don’t become a pessimistic person who believes that some tasks are impossible. Remember that there are no impossible things, and that your boss will always want you to act fast and for your work to be of quality.

¿Qué cualidades debe tener un buen empleado?


A boss or leader is not synonymous with dictator or authoritarianism. It all depends on the feedback you have with him. Carrying out these tips will make your life a little easier and you will get ahead of many situations. Keep in mind that:

  • Being on time makes a good impression of you.
  • Doing your job well in the fastest and easiest way opens the doors to a future promotion.
  • Saying what you think or expressing your opinion is not a crime. You just have to do it correctly.


  • Burton, N. 10 Things your boss wants you to do without being told. For Livestrong.com. [Revised September 2017]
  • No author. The ten differences between a boss and a leader. For Gestion.pe. [Revised September 2017]