6 essential exercises to lose abdominal fat

One of the most repeated purposes when the summer season arrives is to eliminate fat . With these exercises to lose abdominal fat, you can look like palm hearts on the beach this summer.

Anatomy of the abdomen

The muscles that make up what we all know as abdominals or abdominals can be classified into five anatomical areas : back, side, front, top and bottom; each of these areas is made up of a series of muscles.

Although it is very difficult to isolate only one area when training, it is true that there are exercises that can focus the stimulus to one of the specific areas.

ejercicios para perder grasa abdominal


This part is made up of the muscles of the:

Lumbar square

It is a flat and quadrilateral-shaped muscle that is located between the last rib and the iliac crest and whose main function is to produce the inclination of the lumbar towards the same side , in addition to exerting function on the ribs.


It is one of the most well-known and important muscles in our body, since it is involved from walking, running or when we jump to when we sit down or want to lie down. It is also a fundamental muscle when it comes to maintaining good body hygiene

The psoas is one of the deepest muscles in our body . It runs down both sides of the spine from the 12th thoracic vertebra to the top of the femur.


This muscle acts in very important functions and in most cases it is the cause of low back pain. The main function of this muscle tissue is hip flexion .


They are the muscles found on the side walls of our trunk . It is the outermost tissue of our abdomen.

This part is made up of the muscles:

Major oblique

The greater oblique or external oblique is the largest muscle in the abdomen . It is placed on the lateral and external part of the trunk.

The function of this muscle is the tilt to the same side and the rotation.

Minor oblique

It is on a deeper plane than the previous one. It helps to rotate and flex the trunk , in addition, it is responsible for producing some of the movements that are needed during breathing.


The transversus abdominis is part of the set of several layers of muscles that make up the abdominal belt . This muscle is the deepest of the abdominal muscles and, like the obliques, its muscle fibers are located on the lateral part of the body and join in a large transverse fascia until reaching the linea alba.

Anterior part

We speak of the part anterior to the most frontal muscles of the abdomen. It is made up of the muscles:

Abdominal rect

An elongated and thick muscle that extends from the anteroinferior part of the thorax to the pubis , along the midline or linea alba.

When it comes to abs, you make the mistake of thinking only about this muscle, since it is the one that shapes your midsection. Its main function is to flex and extend the trunk.


It is a small, triangular muscle found in the lower rectum of the abdomen .
Its origin begins in the pubis and inserts in the linea alba, below the navel.

Upper part

The upper part of the abdomen is the part forgotten and unknown by most people. This part refers to the area below the sternum.


It is a flat, thin muscle that divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. It is a muscle that is in constant movement, since it has a direct intervention in the breathing process .


The lower part of the abdomen is called the lower part. The muscles are located in it:


When we talk about the perineum, perineum or pelvic floor, we refer to that part of the body that corresponds to the pelvic floor. It is a muscle-ligamentous structure that closes the floor of the abdomen, keeping the uterus, bladder and rectum in proper position and in suspension .

8 Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

1. Iron

The plank or any of its variants , adapted to the level and physical condition of each subject, is an exercise that should be present in the training routine of any person, both to help you eliminate excess fat and to maintain an area medium strong and healthy.

It is an isometric exercise that does not require flexion or extension of your spine, making it one of the safest ways to work your abdomen.

  • Lie down on a mat.
  • The tips of the feet are supported on the ground and the legs are straight.
  • Forearms on the ground.
  • Raise your trunk until you reach horizontality with respect to the ground.
  • Keep your abdomen and glute in contraction and hold the pose.

2. Dead bug

The dead bug is a classic Pilates exercise . It is a movement that requires some strength in the middle zone and coordination of your extremities.

For its execution correctly, follow the following indications:

  • Lie with your back on the floor or on a mat or mat.
  • Arms stretched out at a ninety degree angle between your armpit and the trunk.
  • Stretch one arm and the opposite leg while squeezing your abdomen.
  • Return to the original position and repeat with the opposite extremities.

3. Banana crunch

The isometric work of this exercise directly affects the rectus abdominis and transversus area. This is quite a demanding exercise.

To run it:

  1. Lie on a mat with your legs elevated until your lumbar spine is fully supported on the mat.
  2. Squeeze your abdomen as you lift your head to contract it.
  3. Stretch your arms above your head.
  4. Hold that posture statically.

4. Jumping jacks: a dynamic exercise to add extra caloric intake

It is a highly recommended exercise to accelerate metabolism and increase caloric expenditure, so it is our best ally when it comes to eliminating belly fat without leaving home.

To run it correctly:

  • Stand with your legs closed and your arms at the sides of your hips, and perform a jump while opening your arms and legs.
  • Jump again to return to the starting position alternately.

5. One arm side plank

It is one of the best exercises to strengthen the core and lose abdominal fat.

  1. Lie on your side supporting your forearm.
  2. Raise your hips off the ground and keep them elevated by supporting the outside of your foot.
  3. Get your spine straight and hold the position.

6. Spiderman push-ups

It is a variant of the typical push-ups. With this exercise, we will get out of the comfort zone and in addition to working our abdomen we will be gaining strength in the upper body.

The spiderman push-ups is one of the best exercises to lose abdominal fat.

  1. Get into the push-up position.
  2. The arms are fully extended in the starting position and the palms are resting on the floor.
  3. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the ground while bringing one knee to the elbow on the same side.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat with the knee on the other side.


  • Valverde, A. (June 15, 2021). How to do sit-ups correctly: this is the trick. training.com https://www.entrenamiento.com/musculacion/abdominales/como-hacer-abdominales/