5 tricks to give more intensity to push-ups when training at home

Exercising at home is easier every day thanks to the numerous videos and the multitude of routines that we can find online . We can start training in a simple way and, over time, try to overcome our limits to improve our performance and achieve an ideal body. One of the most popular exercises to improve the line is push-ups . They are not complicated to do; But, if we are not constant, there may come a time when we do not get the most out of this movement by not needing too much effort to carry it out. In order to prevent this from happening, throughout this article we are going to explain how to give more intensity to push-ups at home.

Give more intensity to the push-ups

As long as we do it with a head and with knowledge, trying to improve ourselves every day in the world of sports can be a very positive event not only for our body, but also for our mind. Therefore, there are exercises that we will have to complicate as time passes to achieve the desired effect through them. For this reason, we are going to offer you tips to give more intensity to the push-ups . You will notice how every time you feel better on a physical level, but also on a psychological level.

dar más intensidad a las flexiones

Work with a load on your back

It may seem obvious, but it is a trick that sometimes eludes us. When we want an exercise to become more complicated for us to move forward, we just have to add weight to the action that we are going to develop. In the case of push-ups , it is as simple as putting an extra load on our back. It will make movement difficult and force us to try harder. The ideal place is the middle zone . Now, we must do it little by little, otherwise we could suffer irreversible injuries .

Add an elastic band to the exercise

Another trick to increase our effort when doing push-ups is to use an elastic band . In this case, it will be the highest point of the back that works the most. This is because it is the area where the rubber will be most stretched. In this way, resistance will increase and we will have to fight against it.

Bend down to do the push-ups

To push ourselves to the maximum when doing push-ups , we can also support our feet on a raised surface . In this way, we will be in a declined position and the performance will be higher. With this method we will reduce the involvement of the pectorals . In turn, we will increase that of the deltoids and, therefore, the volume of the muscle will be greater .

Doing the full range of motion is a must

The information we have just given you seems obvious, but there are many people who do not get to perform the full movement when they do push-ups . Sometimes because of bad habits; others, due to ignorance, or because it costs more to carry them out in this way. But this is not good if we want to do our best. It is therefore necessary that when doing the push-up, the chest touches the ground at the lowest point . What’s more, we should look for a slight antepulsion of the scapula at the highest point, as long as the shoulder doesn’t hurt, of course. We have to know our limits and keep them always very present.

Slow down the eccentric phase

A push-up should not consist of dropping to the ground when we are at the highest point. The reason is that we are missing an important part of the exercise. Therefore, we must resist the fall so that the pectorals can be under tension and thus achieve better results both at the muscular level and with respect to strength.