5 simple asanas to start doing yoga at home

After knowing the benefits of yoga, it is time to start with the asanas or postures. To get started in this exercise that strengthens body, spirit and mind, you can start with the following five simple but essential asanas to do more complex postures . All can be practiced at home, in the garden, in a park or even on the beach. Any quiet place where you can hang out and where mind and body can connect seamlessly is perfect.

To practice these simple asanas you only need a mat and comfortable clothes.

Simple asanas to get started in yoga

1. Mountain pose or Tadasana

postura de yoga de la montaña

The mountain pose or tadasana is one of the easiest and also one of the most important in yoga. In this discipline, many postures are done standing and are started from the position of this asana.

Standing on the mat with your feet slightly apart, focus on your breathing. Keep your spine straight, as if a string were pulling your head towards the ceiling. The shoulders and neck have to be relaxed, with the chin slightly down. Close your eyes, keep concentrating on your breath, and feel every part of your body. The soles of the feet have to be fully supported on the ground to achieve firmness and balance. Distribute the weight of the body on your feet, from the heels to the toes and from the inside to the outside. The arms are still relaxed and the hands are open but without tension. Open your eyes and look straight ahead, open your chest and let the energy of your breath flow through the entire spine and from the feet to the crown.

Hold this position for about 20 to 25 seconds accompanied by deep, conscious breathing. Relax for another 20 and 25 seconds and come back to the position. Try to connect movement and breath.

2. Stork pose or Padahastasana

postura cigueña yoga

From mountain pose, in a relaxed state, breathe in as you lift your arms up . With your hands outstretched and your fingers together, begin to expel the air, rest your chin on your chest and lower your arms slowly. Try to catch your toes. Do not worry if the first days do not arrive and, above all, you do not have to feel pain at any time . If you don’t get there, hold on to your calves or ankles, the point where you feel your back is stretched and you don’t feel pain.

Stay 20 seconds in this position and gradually increase the time until you are able to hold on for a couple of minutes. You always have to focus on your breathing. Before sitting up, relax your arms, then slowly raise your whole body synchronizing it with the breath.

3. Tree pose or Vrksasana

yoga postura del árbol

Again from the mountain position, bring your palms together at chest level with your shoulders relaxed. Keep your gaze fixed on one point and focus on your breath. Put the weight of your body on one leg and feel that the sole of the foot is fully in contact with the mat. From this position, try to bring the other sole of the foot up to your thigh with the toes facing downward. If you do not reach the thigh, support it on the knee or calf. Always with your hands together and without feeling pain .

The most important thing is to maintain this position and balance for about 20 to 30 seconds. Then slowly lower your leg and let the sole of your foot slide to the ground. Repeat the position with the opposite leg.

4. Child’s pose or Balasana

postura del niño, yoga

Get on your knees to do this asana. Sit on your heels and slowly lower your head until it is resting on the mat. The arms have to be parallel to the body, with the fingers facing the feet. Another option is to raise your arms and place your palms in front of your head. Choose the option that is most comfortable for you. The muscles have to be relaxed and the breathing has to be deep and steady. Hold for a minute in this position. When you’re done, lift your head and body slowly and return to the starting position. When you are on your knees, drop to the side and sit on the mat. You can stand up now, but don’t rush.

5. Cat pose or Marjaryasana

postura de yoga gato - vaca, una de las asanas sencillas

To do this asana you have to place yourself on the mat in a quadruped position with your hands just below the shoulders and separated from each other like the knees. Meanwhile, the head has to be looking down. Inhale as you raise your back arching it and tuck your abdomen in without taking your hands and knees off the mat. To do it you will need to stretch your arms. Hold this position and breath for 10 seconds. Then return to the starting position while exhaling and repeat the asana several times.

This posture can be combined with that of the cow. In this case, bring your navel to the ground and look up at the sky, opening your chest. As the movement is opposite to that of the cat, your back will have to arch downwards.

Practicing yoga has been shown to be very beneficial both for people who practice some other sport and for those who do not. These five simple asanas are a way to get started in yoga at home or elsewhere. When these are mastered and, above all, you have control over your breathing, it will be time to increase the difficulty and try others a little more complicated. Pregnant women or people with any ailment should first consult with a professional which postures they can and cannot practice.