5 incredible reasons to practice Muay Thai

Martial arts have always had the reputation of being disciplines through which their practitioners develop extraordinary physical qualities. Disciplines such as karate, judo, taekwondo, jiu jitsu and muay thai, contain elements of impact that offer their students opportunities to improve their reflexes, strengthen their bodies and become more agile athletes.

To put yourself in a situation, Muay Thai is a martial arts that uses fists, elbows, knees and feet attacks as the main means of defense. Attacks could be from long, medium or close range. In Muay Thai there is also an element of the grip technique, called the clinch . Unlike the characteristic grips of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, the clinch maneuvers characteristic of Muay Thai can be used to prepare knee and elbow attacks or to throw the opponent to the ground.

All these movements require the people who practice it to possess a large number of physical qualities, and, therefore, the benefits that accompany the practice of Muay Thai are numerous.

1. Increased cardiovascular conditioning

According to Muay Thai experts, this art offers better cardiovascular benefits than many other sports. Due to its aerobic and anaerobic nature, Muay Thai significantly increases the use of the cardiopulmonary system . With its continuous practice, the body will adapt to the demands of sport, with the increase in cardiovascular performance being one of the positive results.

2. Power in the legs

Kicks and footwork play an essential role in the practice of Muay Thai. One of the characteristic movements of this art is the round kick. Learning to kick strengthens all the muscles of the lower body. Every muscle in the lower extremities will benefit from the practice of the different kicks and standing exercises that are incorporated into Muay Thai. From muscular endurance , strength production , agility , to a more sculpted physique , Muay Thai offers them all.

3. Strengthening the trunk or core

Generally, when a person refers to the core, they are referring to the abdominal muscles. This infuriates professionals working in the fitness industry. The core represents all the muscles located in the trunk , not just the abdominals. In Muay Thai, the rotational nature of the movements characteristic of the sport actually strengthens the core a lot. Receiving constant impacts on the body also helps in this regard. Attacks , defense movements and grabs will help strengthen the core of the Muay Thai student.

muay thay entrenamiento

4. Increased mobility of the hip

It won’t happen right away, but over time the kicking and striking with the knees characteristic of Muay Thai will promote better hip mobility. Having healthy hips can prevent severe pain and some serious medical conditions later in life. Remember, you must incorporate myofascial release and stretching practices into your daily exercise routines. Regular massages will go a long way in making your hips feel great.

5. Stress relief

According to experts, this is one of the greatest benefits of Muay Thai. Most of us accumulate a lot of stress during the day. Enjoying a sports discipline to relieve that stress feels excellent and can provide you with great benefits for your physical and mental health. Let’s be honest, when we feel upset at work or worried about accumulated debt, hitting something feels great. Due to the explosive nature of the sport, there is no time to worry too much during workouts. The practice of martial arts allows the student to focus completely on himself and nothing else. Carrying out an activity that produces an effect of detachment from the difficulties of daily life helps us to transform ourselves into happier and more motivated individuals .


To sum it all up, Muay Thai can be beneficial for everyone. Make sure to tailor your training to your fitness level, especially during the initial phases. It is not embarrassing to pause for a moment or modify an exercise to be performed at an intensity that you can master. Remember also that during sports practice the risk of injury is always latent. Consult your physician before beginning any exercise regimen and inform your trainer of any injuries or physical conditions you may have before starting. For those of you who decide to explore the martial art called Muay Thai, we wish you all the best in your workouts.


  • Orion Lee, The Top 5 Benefits of Muay Thai. For Breaking Muscle [Revised October 2015].
  • Javier Gil, History of Muay Thai. For gispagimnasios.com [Reviewed in October 2015].
  • Babenas C. (2008). Kick Boxing Resources and Practical Items, 243.