5 false myths about the health of our teeth

Most mortals are terrified of visiting the dentist, it is no longer just because of possible cavities that we may have, but because it is quite uncomfortable trying to breathe and swallow with an open mouth. It is normal that throughout your life you have heard a series of myths or home remedies about the health of our teeth, right? To try to shed a little light on all these myths, the Valencia College of Dentists and Stomatologists has analyzed the most popular ones.

Tooth decay always bothers

Do not trust yourself if you go months or years without stepping on a dentist's office. Tooth decay or infection can be silent if it stays mainly on the tooth enamel. When we notice pain or sensitivity it is because the caries has reached the nerve and produces contact with sugars, hot or cold drinks. It can even infect the nerve and cause permanent pain.

mitos de la salud de los dientes

Going to periodic reviews will warn us of small silent cavities that are only seen on x-rays.

In addition, it is completely false that those of the milk teeth do not affect the definitive ones. They are just as important as the others and must be treated for good oral health.

Chewing gum can replace brushing

There are many people who, after eating, especially when they are away from home, go to mint chewing gums to leave a good taste in their mouths and eliminate any remaining food. The reality is that chewing gum generates more saliva and improves the PH of the teeth, but it is never a substitute for brushing or dental floss.

Always brush your teeth and use chewing gum at specific times or after brushing.

Fluorine is also not a substitute

We're sick of watching TV mouthwash ads to prevent tooth decay. Fluorine should be treated as a complementary method to have good dental hygiene, but it is not a substitute for brushing. Rinsing our mouths with this liquid will not remove all the substances that brushing does.

Bad breath is because of teeth

Lack of oral hygiene may be one of the factors that causes bad breath, of course, but it is not the only one. Sometimes halitosis is caused by gastrointestinal problems. To find out what is the root of the problem, it is best that we clean our mouths perfectly, eliminating any bacteria and food. If it still persists, we can think about what the real origin may be.

Wisdom teeth must always be removed

Perhaps they are the most hated or feared dental pieces by any human being. Its appearance can cause pain, and a bad position can lead to infections or sprained teeth. There are also cases in which their birth is completely regular and do not show any symptoms of pain, so it is not necessary to remove them. This is something that the dentist should appreciate.