5 exercises with kettlebells to strengthen the glutes to the maximum

Many people search for the best exercises to increase the strength and size of the buttocks, and to do this they practice certain movements with different training equipment or in exercises with body weight. If you really want to improve your results, you have to perform these 5 exercises with kettlebells to strengthen the glutes to the maximum.

Kettlebells are a type of kettlebell that are used primarily in CrossFit workouts . Adapting to them is very simple, since you must use the ones that best suit your level of physical condition.

If you are a master of bodyweight leg and glute exercises, then you can add more resistance with the use of kettlebells.

Fortalecimiento de glúteos con los mejores ejercicios con kettlebells

Kettlebell exercises to strengthen the glutes

1. CrossFit swing

The swing is probably one of the most popular kettlebell exercises . With this movement you can work practically all the muscles of your body, from the abdomen to the arms and legs (including the buttocks). There are different swing variations , but we will show you how to do the classic swing.

How to do it:

  1. Stand with your legs apart, bend your knees a little while keeping your back straight and looking straight ahead. The kettlebell or kettlebell should be just below your legs.
  2. Slowly lower yourself to catch the kettlebell with both hands. Then tighten your abs and raise the weight.
  3. Do a hip movement to swing the kettlebell forward. Your arms should be raised until they are parallel to the ground.
  4. Let the kettlebell return to the starting position as you slow your hips. Once in the starting position you must repeat the movement again.
  5. Repeat the movement 20 times.

2. Sumo squats

Sumo squats are an excellent exercise for your glutes, while also working your hamstrings and quadriceps . The sumo position is different from traditional squats, because here you have to spread your legs wider than the shoulder position, with your toes pointing outward. We will teach you the steps to do them correctly.

How to do it:

  1. Spread your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, while your feet need to be open at a 45 degree angle pointing to the sides. Place the kettlebell just below your body and then grasp it with both hands. Position the kettlebell just below your body while holding it.
  2. Bend both knees to 90 degrees as you slowly lower yourself. Remember that you have to lower yourself by putting tension on your glutes while leaning back a little.
  3. Keep your body as firm as possible to prevent it from leaning forward.
  4. Take a short pause once down and then return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the movement 20 times.

3. Deadlift

The deadlift is a classic exercise for strengthening the glutes, the best of all is that to do it you do not need a lot of space and a kettlebell with a demanding weight but that you can master. With the deadlift, you exercise multiple muscles in your body , such as: gluteus maximus, hamstrings, quadriceps, and abs.

How to do it:

  1. Stand just above the kettlebell. Once in that position, spread your legs a little wider than in a traditional squat.
  2. Once we take the kettlebell with both hands we begin to lower slowly. You must keep your torso straight while bringing your glutes back (as if you wanted to sit in an imaginary chair).
  3. Once in the lower part of the movement, we must slowly return to the starting position with the help of the legs.
  4. Repeat the movement 20 times.

4. Strides

The lunges are a great exercise to strengthen all your legs , it has benefits such as the development of explosive strength in the quadriceps and hamstrings, in addition to the arms and abdomen. By performing kettlebell strides you will give a higher level of demand to your training and you will obtain better results.

How to do it:

  1. Begin in a standing position while holding the kettlebell with one hand. It is very important that you hold the kettlebell with the hand that is on the same side of the leg with which you are going to perform the stride.
  2. The lunge is an exercise that you can perform in a static position or with long strides (strides).
  3. When you come down in a lunge position, remember to keep your torso straight so you don't lose your balance.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement.
  5. Repeat 20 strides for each leg. (Remember to change the hand kettlebell.)

5. Double kettlebell front squats

Front squats are one of the best kettlebell exercises for strengthening your glutes . It has many benefits, such as: it helps burn fat, increases muscle mass, maintains good joint health and improves your cardiovascular endurance. The greatest muscle activation occurs in the glutes, legs, hips, and core muscles.

How to do it:

  1. Begin in a standing position. Your feet should be open as if you were doing a traditional squat. Unlike a traditional squat here you will need to hold two kettlebells, one in each hand right next to your shoulders.
  2. Once in this position, slowly lower yourself into a deep squat.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the movement 20 times.


There are a wide variety of exercises that help strengthen the legs and glutes, and among them are those that use kettlebells to increase the difficulty of the exercise , while at the same time maximizing the results.

Depending on the type of exercise you are going to do, the weight of the kettlebell should be higher or lower, so you should be well informed before starting a training routine so as not to over exert yourself and end up injuring yourself.

The best deals we have found to buy kettlebells