5 exercises for stronger and injury-free ankles

Having strong ankles is very important to avoid injury, in fact it is one of the most important joints in the body. In fact, it is the area that supports all of our weight and is also the first that suffers the impact against the ground when performing an activity such as running or jumping. We propose, below, some exercises for stronger ankles , so you can avoid injuries and other problems.

Exercises for stronger ankles

With these 5 exercises for stronger ankles, if you incorporate them into your training, you can avoid injuries through an improvement in joint mobility.

1. Exercises with resistance bands

To perform this exercise you will need an elastic band . The goal of the exercise will be to increase the range of motion of the ankles, ideally during warm-ups.

You will want to place the elastic band around the sole of your bare foot. It is important that the tape is just below the toes and not on the bridge. Then, tighten the tape by pulling it and bring your toes forward as far as you can, stretching the instep. Get back to the starting position slowly.

2. Walk on tiptoe

It may seem like a somewhat absurd exercise, but it actually works very well to strengthen the ankles and to strengthen the Achilles tendon . This exercise can be done in three different ways, feet forward, toes out, or toes in.

Our advice is that you do it in the way that is most comfortable for you because the important thing is that you take short steps and raise your heels as much as you can .

Another way to do this exercise is without moving. In this case you can take some dumbbells to increase the difficulty and work.

3. Jumps

Doing exercises that involve jumping is also a good way to strengthen your ankles and prevent future injury.

A very simple and effective exercise is to jump by raising one knee while raising the opposite hand . You will have to alternate both legs. As you increase your speed, you will reduce the contact time with the ground. This exercise can also help you improve coordination.

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You can also do lunges incorporating a jump to increase the intensity of the exercise. Of course, you will have to jump and change your feet in the air to land each time with a different one or you will be working only with one of them, which can generate an overload.

4. Ankle raises

You can perform this exercise with or without support, although we recommend better with. Get in the starting position, which is standing with the balls of your feet facing forward and on top of the support and with an opening equal to that of the hips. That is, the heels have to be on the ground and the toes on the support. From this position, raise your body as high as you can and lower again . Try to keep the movement slow and do not be in a hurry to lower yourself and return to the starting position. Hold on, if you can, a couple of seconds upstairs.

5. Instability exercises

Many ankle injuries occur when walking or running on an uneven surface, so the last exercise we recommend is used to work on instability.

This exercise consists of supporting the balance on one leg and one foot that must be on tiptoe . All the weight will fall on the tip of the foot that is on the ground and we will have to maintain balance while doing some slow movements, such as a slight knee bend. You will have to do the same exercise later with the other foot.

Instability can also be improved by walking on uneven or unstable surfaces. Either option is valid.

Why is it important to exercise for stronger ankles?

If we have recommended the previous exercises it is because, often, we neglect the training of this part of the body despite being one of the most important. For anyone who plays sports, and even for those who do not, this joint is very important if you want to avoid injuries or problems in the Achilles tendon . And you have to bear in mind that recovering from an injury to this part of the body can be very slow.

If you are an athlete who practices a high-performance discipline, you have to know that you have a high probability of suffering an injury in this part of the body if you do not do a good warm-up beforehand . And in this warm-up, exercises like the ones we have discussed must be included.

We also recommend including this type of exercise in the warm-up of other athletes and in the day-to-day life of people who have, for some reason, weak ankles in order to strengthen them.